I don't even know what anything is anymore
To be honest, I'm done with Mr Beast because of the announcement of his new Lunchly product in collaboration with Logan Paul. I can't watch anybody who collaborates with a man who so brazenly scamed his own fans for millions of dollars and refuses to take accountability for it.
Tom the typa guy to receive a message to his pager from Mr.Beast
Tom the kind of guy to have his comments section filled with bots using the MrBeast logo as profile photos.
Destiny told Tom he had to defend Mr. Beast and Tom will do anything for his lover.
Bro built like a domestic house cat
No way tom took the payday from Mr beasts pr team
Don't need that guy and his allegations anymore, there's a lawsuit going on with 5 contestants of the Netflix TV show.
Tom uploads too much. I will be sending a strongly worded letter to his mother-in-law
How does this video help to improve my life? It doesn't. I need to leave
Tom clearly hasn’t heard that Mr. Beast is going after his beloved Lunchables. Watch him run 24/7 defence for Dogpack when he finds out about Lunchly.
tom the type of guy to make a video about mrbeast
Why are people so confused by dogparks employment at mr beast, he has stated this many times, he worked at the company for 3 weeks + some time before the trail period, and then when he was let go he was hired at a different company that worked directly with mr beast, he then left that company a few day before posting the first video. it surprises me that tom and others are sooooo stumped by this obv info. But i guess i shouldn't be surprised Tom called dogpack a potential autist because he may or may not understand jokes, when tom himself thought that "the raccoon was a paid actor" was a genuine criticism and not a joke.
what even is happening anymore i think this drama gave me schizophrenia
The whole mr beast shitstorm is crazy. People have completely lost the ability to just fucking wait until the situation becomes clear.
Tom the type of guy to have journalistic integrity on the slop channels.
MrBeast is slowly becoming MrLeast
You mean the one allegation that he himself said that he doesnt have evidence of and was still researching? The one that when he couldn't substantiate he had the integrity to redact and correct before any one called him out for it? That one? The one that earned my respect more than the entirety of the commentary sphere?
It’s always fun when Tom turns on someone he was behind for a bit.