
When they did their dance... all I could think of was Sam and Colby 🤣


Kovers face in the beginning Made me laugh so hard I almost started weezing


with every video i get more and more vlog squad vibes


You now im early i need to see  patrick and calvin


1:01 the audio, i got use to watching in sam and Colby 😂🖤💙


Ok but calvin twerking was such a white girl in a cub😂


Alex:”does threading your eye brows hurt?”


Note to self: never watch Alex’s videos in front of my parents👌


I love how a friendly game of cornhole turns into an all out war.


I wish your blogs could be 30 minutes episodes. Love them


Just wait in a year he’ll be surprising them with cars.


Alex’s viewers: “make the videos longer than 5 mins”

Alex: *shortens them to 4


Lmao I literally fan girled when they started to play the intro music to Sam and Colby’s Chanel 😍😍😂


0:55 when the music started playing I immediately thought of Sam and Colby


here before the "WhOS wAtChINg iN 2020" comments


Just started watching and I’m already dying 🤣


2:36 I thought Calvin was his finger😂😂


1:01 Thought I clicked on Alex not Sam and Colby 😂 (love both tho💕)


Love y’all, thanks for making me happy !! Plz keep making videos ❤️


Have more of Mia in your vlog