
Yep, they lied. I've never felt better than with meat and yes I did the vegan thing, the RAW vegan thing, no grains!


I am from Ikaria, Greece and they eat plenty of meat. 😊


Food for thought.


Plants are subsidized as well.


the blue zones name and idea was trademarked  by Dan Buettner. It was sold to the adventist health( seventh day adventist who promote the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle) for 9 billion dollars in 2020.  To say they are vested would be an understatement. As you can imagine if you spend 9 billion on a trademark you're going to to spend some money promoting the idea.


The body is a chemistry set.  There are ways to get everything you need without eating carnivore but you need to be a good chemist. I prefer to let animals do all that work and keep it easy for myself.


How does a cow get it's protein?  Hint - a cow's stomach has four chambers for a reason.


I taught my kids well that there is something called a “lie of omission.” 

So everything in the blue zones (and also The China Study) is true, except that they blatantly omit that those people eat meat and animal based fats in large amounts.


Yummy meat!! I love this way of eating. ♥️🥩 🧈 🥓 🥚


They eat a lot of meat in the blue zones.  🤷🏻‍♀️💪🏼🥩


The truth


Dan Buettner is a seventh day advantice or at least promotes and lives among them.  He is also a vegetarian as he has given up meat all together.
I don't think that his data can be trusted as he has an agenda.
Just food for thought.
Personally, I've  got Hashimoto's disease, IBS, and Fibromyalgia.  I've tried vegetarianism, veganism, keto, just rice, chicken and Brocolli, and Carnivore.
The diet that makes me feel the best?  Carnivore without dairy!
By far the most effective at treating my symptoms.  No meds compare.




I've eaten keto for a long time I didn't get sicker but I didn't get well either. When I decided to switch to carnivore I really didn't feel well. And I prefer meat to anything else. So I have decided to just eat sensible mostly meat with a little bit of vegetables. And I like not having any pressure. I don't have to try and come up with a carnivore way of doing things. I'm 66 years old and I'm tired of worrying about my food


My wife’s family is from Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica (blue zone). Her grandfather is 100 years old and was just on TV. He eats meat everyday. There is no 60-100 year old vegan living in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica 😅… The “vegan blue zone data” is BS. 
I lived in Costa Rica for 9 yrs. My wife is from there. I eat meat. I feel great and chill when i’m there and have much less issues than when i am in NYC. We are moving back soon…


The leaf eaters latch onto anything


Where is the beef industry in all this? Where are the commercials? Seems like they should be out there with the carnivore low carb wave going on.


I’ve heard pork is one of the main food groups in the blue zones, but that doesn’t fit the narrative so they didn’t put it in the book. I’ve seen several shorts from carnivores saying that, so can you give us a ruling?


The only commons thing is omega3/6 ratio