
Thanks for watching please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE - I wanted to include the whole story but if you want to jump ahead I put some timestamps in the description. If you have a solar story to share or ideas please commenbt below.


A service persons worst nightmare is an informed consumer.


You said he didn’t get away with it. It  sounds like he got away with it. It’s a shame, it seems like the solar industry is especially prone to this type of negligence.


What a nightmare. So glad you shared your personal story. Solar can be extremely challenging, but rewarding if done correctly.


A factory rep. should inspect the contractor's installation and warranty the work, so you don't have to deal with shady contractors


Hate to tell you, watching your "new" installer walk on your panels, you might want to think about them as a "good" installer.   That is one of the biggest issues with installers.  You can walk on the frames if you MUST, but you can not step onto the glass no matter how light you are.   That will microfracture the cells and cause degradation to the panels.


You've done us all a huge service by this honest, detailed exposé. Thank you!


Glad to hear the manufacturer worked with you.   The saddest part is that today every few contractors take pride in their work.   Average contractor will always be there on payday.    Sad...


I was a roofer in my younger years.  Every penetration is a potential roof leak.  The majority of roof leaks we repaired occurred from roof penetrations such as skylights, plumbing stacks, roof vents, chimneys and solar panels.  I love solar but would personally never put all those penetrations through my roof.  In a perfect world I would ground mount solar panels if my property had enough space and unobstructed orientation to the sun. Plus I live in Florida and roof mounted solar panels don’t fare well during a hurricane. They tend to take roofing materials with them as they leave your roof exposing your home’s interior to the elements.


A very emphatic thank you!!!! I hope you get 100 million views on this. This is extremely informative and thank you for sharing your redemptive sacrifice.


This scenario is the exact reason I’ve never bothered to even look into solar—if you’re not an expert, how do you know when you’ve found a company or installer you can trust? $20-$30k is a lot to spend hoping the company you picked isn’t trying to scam you or do a crap job.


Sorry this happened SC!   Like you said, it is fortunate that you caught the issue before any damage to the house.  I would be interested in learning about your monthly cost savings now that everything is working properly 👍  Thanks for sharing!


The reason I follow this man he always shows good content.I thank you   for all the info you show and I hope you continue to be blessed to share this information


If you watch this all the way through, it is THE most informative video on massive solar systems for your home. Definitely worth watching -- great advice!


Installer here, everything you said at the end is pretty much SOP for the place I'm at.  It really is the wild west right now especially with the IRA in full effect so many players trying to get in on the action.  Enphase is one of two systems 90% of households in the US get for residential solar.  So it's no surprise they were helpful.  The other side of this is how did it pass inspection?  That factor is literally night and day with each municipality.  Some are very strict about nonsensical stuff and others will look at it for two minutes, slap a sticker on it and go to lunch.  Disreputable companies are a huge problem, one company basically got forced to shut down and then they just changed their name and did all the same stuff and got shut down again for good.  A word of mouth referral is really the best way to get a decent local installer.


And that's the reason I won't put solar on my roof! Who needs the aggregation... Great vid thanks!


This guy is a wealth of information. And thank goodness people like him take the time to post their experiences so you can learn and not get taken advantage of or make a big mistake.

Side note on solar panels: In grad school I took a an engineering class on sustainable systems and the environment and even the professor wasn't real keen on solar panels for most people, as the financial  break even period is so long, and you likely won't even hit the break even period if you end up with costly repairs and replacements over the years, which you most certainly will eventually.


Thanks for this. The industry still has a lot of growing up to do.


If that is the actual video of these guys installing your panels.....I see a major problem right away....

P.S. Is that guy literally sitting and walking on the solar panels during the install?....What a knucklehead.....WTF?!?!?!?


I was hoping you were going to tell us that Enphase yanked their support of the offending contractor so he/they couldn't cheat out other folks.