
Can we apreciate the fact that in this album there's a song called "Don't Want It" and also "That's what I want".


Been waiting for this song for years


I've been sitting here tryna hear the Eminem "mockingbird" sample and finally caught lol he's dope for that


Now hush little baby don’t you cry everything is Gonna be alright


Last 40 seconds of this song is honestly the best part of the whole album


the hype for this was huge, and the songs don't disappoint. album is incredible.


"I know everything is gonna be alright" this part, not only cause the lyrics but the vocal melody reminds of Mockingbird by Eminem


When this song is too short and you have to hit rewind like 4x.




Can't decide which one's my favourite The whole album is FIRE 😭


The visualizer takes this song to a whole new level, it's fucking hypnotic.


Every artist latest projects have at least one reference or homage to Eminem it’s really incredible to see this man’s impact till this day.


popular opinion: lil nas is incredibly creative and never misses.


"If you want it, you have anything right before your eyes" 🔥 🔥 🗣️ 🗣️


This mans marketing is insanely smart and something to learn from honestly


this man is literally making history! I'm so happy that I'm alive!!!!!


Sounds a little like Eminem's "Mockingbird" and it's amazing


Keep doing what your doing shit is fire always liked u when u started people had doubts and look at u now keep bangn homie stay up


It’s very few albums that every song is a hit! But this one is on that list! I love that he shares the most vulnerable parts of himself with his fans. This is just simply a powerful album!


We really went from sad to pure hype. Every song in this album is a banger there isn’t one miss ❤️🔥