Finally a real artist
Pretty cool seeing people that grew up in the punk scene, possibly with hard pasts, make it so far in country music. Sierra, Benjamin. Just proves if you have passion for the music, and grind you can make it.
Benjamin Tod has been one of my favorite artist for the past 5 years. The man sings from the heart. Sings from life's trials and tribulations. Class act fella.
"What worth is a man's heart, if it beats not freely?" .. incredible quote!!!
Benjamin Tod is the only man in the last 10 years to deserve this.
I remember seeing them like 10 years ago on YouTube and now here they are
Benjamin deserves this so much.. Its a shame that REAL country and REAL musicians cannot get any mainstream love.
Since his first video on YouTube him busking I'm in tears he deserves this so much!
So glad he made it through his life lesson. Amazing artist.
Ben, you didn’t have to “kick down the doors”, you deserve this more than anyone.. Congrats bro, can’t wait to see y’all in Cincinnati in Dec
YESS!! Finally! Seeing this, seeing Sierra Ferrell and Nick shoulders song during a commercial during NFL is sick!
Oh how I wish I was there. This is truly my favorite band of all time.
Good on you lad. All the work, sweat, blood and tears finally paying off.
I love this brother's music so much and Ashley too. Just the best. I do hope to see them live some day. Benjamin bless you man, glad ya'll are still around.
I remember seeing them buskin in Nashville, now I see him every chance I get on the east coast. So deserving. Love him and Ashley and all that they do. Just genuinely good souled people touching the souls of strangers.
What an amazing lil story bro I came across you about 3 years ago in a very dark place "im living low down n in using again. 💔❤️🩹 Bro as April 3rd I'll have 2 years clean 🙂 I'm doing great 👍 but low n behold I Heard Shooting Star congratulations Mr Tod you've just join the ranks of some country legends. Wtg I'm proud of you V.
I'm 44 brother... I Love you and will always support your music. I Live outside of Louisville in Simpsonville, Kentucky. Just recently found you and your band. I'm obsessed and can't get enough. Can't wait to buy the vinyl album. Your helping me... Trying to get off the booze. Quit the drugs back in 2018.
Listening to “I’m Using Again” helped me to not go back to that place ~ thank you Mr Tod
Lookie there, ben. You're on the opry.