
The part about Jack being single for life got tears in my eyes. This is so beautiful and i'm thakful that you shared it with us


Jack's vow about being single for life hit home for me, Jack, you have a good person in Meghan! Thanks for sharing your vows with us and best wishes!


Those were the most honest & pure vows I've ever heard. You can feel their unconditional love in the tone of their voices, & the vows they have given one another. God bless you both in your journey together.


That part where Jack says he told his mom if it was ok that he was single the rest of his life really hit me 🥹 because I said that to my mom a year ago and still to this day, because I’m tired of heartbreak and truly think there’s no one out there for me 🥲 but I’m so happy you both found each other! ♥️ gives me a tiny bit of hope


Jack when you said your wedding vows about talking to your mother, asking if it would be ok if you were single forever because you didn’t think you’d find someone to love you I balled like a baby I think every boy/man feels the same way currently searching for my forever girl that loves me but you guys make it look SO easy and make me happy and give me hope that I’ll find someone that makes me feel like you guys feel for each other THANK YOU MEGHAN AND JACK!!


MAN you both got me cryin on the dance floor rn. I love your love so much ♥ Some people look at relationships like this and just feel jealousy, but for me I fel genuinely so happy that I get to know that there are two people in this word who love each other this much. It truly fills me with joy ♥ I am so happy for you both!!!!!!!!


Jacks vows got me man…being single the rest of your life is something I can relate too and I’m so happy y’all found each other! Congratulations 🎉


These two are so kismet that it's hard to believe they feared loneliness. I believe they are genuinely soul mates. I don't think I've ever seen a couple more perfect for one another. ❤️❤️❤️


I have been watching your shorts for a while now.  For some reason i just knew i needed to see your wedding video... you two are amazing and this has confirmed that i can't settle for just anyone.  Finding your person is the best thing ever ❤ i cant wait to find mine someday. Thank you for an amazing example of what a relationship should be❤


Can just say the way 
Jack said MY LOVE to Meghan in each of his vows made me cry 😢 
Love you guys ♥️♥️ congratulations


I am SOBBING. Wishing you two a lifetime of happiness🥺💕


Damn Jack! Got me ballin with your vows! Congratulations to both of you! From some random fan. I truly enjoy your videos. Happy life!


Omg I knew I would cry hearing y'alls vows!


Jacks vowels made me cry. You guys are so loving to each other and you are so funny and perfect together and we all know this marriage is going to be a A beautiful thing💖


I found this channel today and you guys are made for each other..Congratulations and I wish you a Happy Married Life.


L❤ve Is in the Air 🥰
Congrats a million 🥳🥰❤
God bless you 🦋


A massive congratulations on your marriage and I wish nothing but a life time of happiness together. I have been following you both here in the UK on my social media for a while and you both make me smile and laugh and thinking to myself that you are couple goals, how your both so in tune with eachother, you are both my favourite couple on social media. Your wedding speech had me crying, specially when Jack asked his mum if it was ok if he was single all his life. When I heard Jack say that I could hear my dear grandad in my head when I was a little girl telling me that there is someone for everyone out there, and he couldn't be more right when I see both of you together. Again congratulations!


This is amazing i can relate so mich to Jack. My whole life has been dark and sad and depressing. Being a single father of two also didnt help. I had such bad relationships and was always one sided. I would always say i was born in the wrong era and my beloved is waiting for me in heaven. In fact i use to be so against love it would make me sick to my stomach to see it anywhere. I given up on love and raised my kids on my own and just concentrated on them. Until one day i met my beautiful fience Emily and she taken my kids as her own and lifted me out of my darkness and into the light. I never thought i could ever be loved until i found my Emily. My depression is minimum now, i push everyday now to make her and our kids proud. I have alot more to look forward to and work towards. All my life i was told love will come when you least expect it. I given up on for years until it found me. Congratulations you two love will conquer all


I cried...This is so beautiful! I hope I can find the love of my life too...Congratulations to the couple! You both are incredible! Kisses from Brazil 😊


You are an Amazing Match!  God Bless You and Yours.