
Ladies and gentlemen... peak quirk.


Having been a Captain at an airline for 30 years, I can assure you that one of the engineers was either a pilot or aircraft engineer. There are many features and names that mimic aircraft switches of the time. The Standby switch is a prime example.


This is the car we all used to draw in grade 3.


Those gauges perfectly explain why the chiron has no screen


I had the honor of seeing one of these up close at a childhood friend's house (a friend of his father owned one) in the '80's.  At that time it seemed like the coolest car I have ever seen. Watching this review today, nearly everything about this car's design seems like an afterthought.


12pm : it's late I should go to bed
4:68am : still watching Doug videos


"Pardon me sir, do you have the time?"
"4:68 AM"


i can’t be the only one who thinks that the screens are still sick


I’ve had a really bad week but this video has really made me feel better. It’s well made, informative, interesting and most importantly absolutely hilarious in a very respectful way. Thank you. I’m British and yes, this car is weird.


it looks like a pizza hut logo lmao


"What time is it?"

"4:68 pm."


Looks like the car is in italics.


When a Lotus Esprit and a Lincoln Town Car really love each other very much…


I can imagine going into my local AutoZone: "Umm... Do you guys have a bonnet release sensor for a 1987 Aston Martin Lagonda?"


Doug DeMuro's Doug Score
Weekend Category:
Styling : 9/10 - Haven't seen him wearing socks & sandles
Acceleration : 10/10 - He talks pretty fast.
Handling : 10/10 - Handles himself well.
Fun Factor : 10/10 - He's fun to watch.
Cool Factor : 9/10 - Nerdy in a cool way.
Total 48/50
Daily Category:
Features : 9/10 - Displays plenty of geeky features.
Comfort : 10/10 - Very comfortable watching Doug.
Quality : 10/10 - Delivers quirks to viewers regularly.
Practicality : 10/10 - Doug is very practical.
Value : 10/10 - Gives valuable info for free!
Total 49/50

Doug Score: 97/100


I can only imagine the incredible mess of wires that absolutely must be hiding behind that dashboard. I do recall that this car was a production nightmare for Aston Martin!


Gotta love the thighbuster handbrake when it’s engaged, gives it a more of a personal feel to the driver when they park on a hill


You can just tell that car has probably seen over a ton a cocaine back in its day.


The head rest pillow is a nice feature. On long trips, the driver can sleep while he’s driving.


Doug’s the type of guy to say “let me squeeze right past you”