
I'm thankful we found your podcast! Thank you for your passion for our father and your drive to help us understand.  Amen ๐Ÿ™


I was lucky as a new Christian because my life was a mess.  I knew I needed the great physician.


Doing the will of the father. 
I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever heard anyone say โ€œ How can I be more righteous โ€œ which should be on all of our hearts.


We do not make ourselves Holy. He imputed His righteousness to us. Most people claim a works based holiness which is pride m, instead of a surrendered relationship and  yielding to His work in our lives. Holiness does not come by works. Believing in your righteous standing with Him through faith, ushers us into the dispensation of GRACE! And by His stripes we are healed!


John, would love to hear what you have to say on the letters to the 7 churches.


It does not say refined linen is from the righteous โ€œactsโ€ of the saints. It says the refined linen is the righteousness of the saints. They got their refined linen thru faith in the righteous โ€œactsโ€ of Christ! 
By faith


We need to put in the robes of righteousness and the garment of praise and the armor of God


Wow thatโ€™s deep






John..we are in revelation. Lord God let the vail the devil has pur on the world be lifted so that john can warn millions. I'm jesus mighty name. Please John warn the people.  We have been desived  by the devil to think we have time


On the nudist beach ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข


This is assuming the wedding dress is made up of the righteousness of the saints and not the righteousness of god through faith.the bible paints a clear picture that he is the one who clothes us.




Not even a speedo


What is the church in America?  Is this a real thing or a cope?


This man I beyond creepy. Holy cow.