Awww seeing this after they got married❤
The fact that you guys stuck by each other is so heartwarming. I adore you guys 🥹🤍 Also your voice is insanely good & the lyrics are beautifully written.
This made me cry. It's so amazing seeing two people who are truly soulmates find each other and outlast all of the ups and downs of life. Thank you for sharing your story with us and thank you for making such a great song!
Beautiful song. I love everything you sing. Your love story with Kouvr is also so beautiful to see, thanks for sharing.
Love y’all.. really hope to hang sometime!
Their love story is so wholesome. They deserve all the success that has come to them 💗
this song and everything about your story is beautiful! I am so lucky to have found an artist like you to relate to. my boyfriend and I are homeless right now, we are only 21 and this just gave me chills listening to. I showed my boyfriend your music and he streams it everyday. You help so many people thank you for all that you do!
I saw this after they got married and I’m crying 😢 how sweettt
Not me crying like a baby😭🤣 this is amazing!!! I love the story line! And the song! 3:03
I'm a 25 year old guy and i cried like a little girl. This is so sad, so beautiful, so couragous, so pure all together. I wish that one day ill be able to transport feelings like you can with your voice. How did you learn that? Big love from germany
I'm crying. I'm so proud of them. <3 Been following them since 2019. They deserve all the best :')
Can’t wait! Truly one of my favorite song writers! Words that can be felt and understood in so many ways! Thank you!
I can't stop sobbing. This song is so beautiful and everything about your story. I've watched you both share your life together for quite awhile now, and am so proud of you both.
Will forever be obsessed with your music and your story! So proud of you both and am beyond excited to see Kouvr walk down that aisle🎉❤! Thank you Ryan for refilling this video! It’s beautiful x
Alex this song, this video, this story, all of it is beautiful. You and Kouvr make me believe in love and your story is timeless and full of strength. Keep making amazing music like this and keep sharing your story. On behalf of all your fans we love you. :)
this is beautiful Alex and kouvr. You guys have been through so much and deserve the world. I really hope you see this and know that you are family to your supporters.
I’m so proud you guys. Both of you shine so much on light on both of us and we love you. Y’all’s journey is so inspiring. I love how Alex feels so safe to share his story with us. I love how loyal, sweet, charismatic, and funny kouvar is. Y’all are a beautiful couple and y’all have grown together. Continue living your dreams and we’ll always continuing to support the both of you. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart. Y’all have made me laugh in days I didn’t think was possible, and y’all helped me on my darkest days. We are here to support, love and cheer y’all on. WE ARE PROUD OF YALL. ❤❤
Tears in my eyes such a beautiful story with an amazing song and Im super proud of you 2
The way I cried through the entire music video. I love you guys so much. I’m so proud of you, Alex you don’t even know it I said me you your song saved me, Alex.