
Who was your favourite? Let us know 👇


Susan Boyle changed the talent shows.  She made the judges realize appearances don’t matter.  Her audition was stunning!!


Susan Boyle is a profound gift to all of us with her beautiful voice and gentle personality. Thank you, Susan. I watch you over and over.


Susan Boyle was the best in an audition ever!!  What a voice!  Love you, Susan, for the person you are and your God given singing voice.


I could just watch Susan Boyle over and over 1000 times over!!!❤❤❤


I always get tears when I watch Susan Boyle’s audition. She gives hope to all of us no matter if our talents are large or small.


Susan's audition went all round the world. On TV news and internet, within hours. It was one of the first ever viral videos in history and it still stands up today. Thank you for showing the whole segment, from beginning to end.


I've watched Susan Boyle's audition dozens of times over the years and I adore watching Simon grinning like a happy puppy while he listens to her. What a triumph for her.


Callum Scott is also one of my favorites. He has a great voice, a real person. So amazing and beautiful.


Susan Boyles audition still gives me goosebumps after all these years


Susan and her amazing voice took that show to a much higher level.She is a 1 off.God bless you Susan ❤


There will never, ever be an audition like Susan Boyle's. After all these years I still get goose bumps when I listen to it.💖


Susan Boyle is such a sweet unassuming soul, she went through a lot for her fame, her beautiful voice will always be a gift she gave us all.


Oh My God in Heaven, What a voice; it brought me to tears.  Susan Susan, oh Susan, you are a Gift from God.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


No one could possibly forget Susan Boyle’s audition!  It blew us away!!!  She is a Superstar!!!  ❤❤❤


Susan Boyle's audition always makes me cry. The tears of pride and happiness ❤❤


Susan Boyle’s edition still makes me go back to listen every so often! LOVE IT! The best ever🎉


Susan Boyle is like a geode... an unassuming outer shell, with the most amazing gems hidden inside


Whenever I feel I need a lift in my day I watch Susan’s audition. Susan is a beautiful soul may she have a beautiful life she deserves it. ❤❤❤❤❤


Susan, I love YOU ! ! !  You have the best VOICE since Judy Garland ! ! !  You will live FOREVER ! ! !  In our Hearts.