
Pro tip: if someone is always showing you their fancy sports car, big expensive house, flashing jewelry, name dropping, showing how much money they have all from their business…but they never show you the product or barely talk about the product…

Chances are very high that they’re full of sheet or doing something scummy.


The thing with MLMs is that they're not selling a business, they're selling a dream to desperate people.


OMG, so many years of being a PBD and Valuetainment fan, and this is the first time when I look at PBD's business, namely the PHP agency, from a different angle. So many scammers hide in plain sight.


I used to work at Mcdonalds and this whole time i had no idea i already was living the "American Dream".


MLM always reminds me of a high school reunion. Old friends happy to see me and want to know how I'm doing and then i say tough times and they have a "great business opportunity" for me lol


Literally showed this video to my friend to save him from getting sucked into PHP. You’re the best coffee


I love the idea of escaping from the trap of a 9-5 to the steel bars of a 9-9


Best explanation of how a MLM scheme operates is to have a company convince you to go into business opening a shoe store to sell shoes ( but ONLY their shoes) and then convincing you that you can make even more money by convincing other people to open competing shoe stores.


The saddest parts about MLMs is watching the people that shill them try to defend them


Always suspicious when "successful" companies/individuals show off everything like money, famous people, etc but not their product. If it worked so well it would be the center of attention, like it is with legitimate companies


PBD involved in a scam? Shocker.


It's interesting that Bet David's MLM company is PHP. In Indonesia, PHP is acronym of Pemberi Harapan Palsu or Giving False Hope.


There’s a PHP boss where I live that’s drives a lambo and rolls and talks about how he’s an entrepreneur that did it all himself. A guy from his office leaked that everything he has is leased by PHP.


The funniest thing about this video was the MLM advert Google served me before it started. Glorious.


I used to work for an MLM for 6 weeks. It was the worst scummiest job I ever had. I made about $300 a week. I love watching these videos since it makes me feel validated in my decisions to get out when I did


"Do you have enough to support your family?" So they're asking struggling people to sign up for a program that they know will hurt them. Why can't we throw these people in prison?


I actually attended that event they use in a lot of their promo videos. The one with Kobe and Jordan Peterson. Immediately recognized that it was a big MLM which was disappointing


It sucks how they can actually harm people since there's a psychological aspect to it as well. There's so much toxic positivity, brainwashing, and guilt tripping involved when you are in one. There's so many people that also lost thousands of dollars. It's so sad


The channel Valuetainment has a lot of useful insights however I was shocked to find out he was running an MLM, very disappointing.


The one thing that kept me away from IML is literally not having enough money lmao. Being broke is really the real protection