
I didn't realize how much I've missed Julia Stiles!


I will never get over that smile.


Her voice is stunning


I have always loved Julia Stiles ❤


When the camera first went to her, I was like "wow, she's changed," but then she smiled and started talking and it was like no time has passed at all.

I didn't know she'd gotten into directing, but I'm excited about it ❤


"Always need more screen time" had me rolling


Julia lived near me in Brooklyn, real and down to Earth person, great neighbor


Julia Stiles is adorable ❤️


A goddess. Aging like a fine wine!


I like that “screen time” play on words! 😂


She looks great!!!


I will always remember her as Nikki in the Bourne series


“Always need more screen time” love it


Mothers are the original multitaskers and CEOs.


The wisdom of a mother's love...❤


Remember when you could just assume that an upcoming film was an adaptation of Shakespeare if you saw that Julia Stiles was in it?


The way she slayed in Orphan 2.


❤❤❤ I so miss Julia and her father.


I worked as a supervisor. You wouldn't believe how much we had to anticipate.


I love Julia, she is the best!