A scary aspect of the film that I haven’t heard anyone talk about is the way the psychologist, who is a woman, has to carefully deal with the male prison guard: avoid angering him while he looms in her personal space and tries to flirt with her while she’s doing this important and even frightening job. Every working woman will recognize the avoidance skills she has to practice with this man in her workplace. If she tells him to back off - if she injures his ego - he will find ways to make her job harder.
It doesn't help to call anyone an incel. The psychologist pointed it out while interviewing the kid. You shouldn't put a label on anyone
Bullying has been around for many decades but the online world amplifies issues to thousands or millions of people
Parents just need to spend time with their kids. Everyday my mother and I spoke about what was going on in school. My parents knew my friends and I knew their parents and our parents knew each other. My mother also made it very clear that I could talk to her about anything, even if she disapproved of it. That's something every parent can do.
this does not "explore incel" culture. In fact, it barely mentions it at all. because if they did make a show that explore incel culture it would humanize these sad young people and we can't have that. we need to make them out to be villians, just like the girl in the film.
The 80% dislike ratio on this video shows how even your own audience knows The View is much more a part of the problem than the solution
2:29 That's an old excuse of "it's easier said than done". Most parents don't even try to do anything about it. And most parents will use their cellphones and tablets to babysit their kids. So the parents who are making decisions in their children's early years have already training them to be on the internet and social media.
The boy is an incel? hes 13 ffs
It's funny how the response to this is just going to be "man bad, woman good" as always. As a society we will never be ready to admit that boys are struggling and suffering and doing far worse than girls, wouldn't want to upset that narrative we have going would we?
Maybe it’s time to stop demonizing men and addressing why incel culture even exists in the first place
Kids need a purpose in their lives, beyond winnning the popularity contest. A purpose will give them the self confidence to ignore the online manipulators.
I can see why Adolescent has been such a big hit, however I really think it misses the mark in some respects. The show does not do enough to examine the reasons why so many young men in our society feel so disaffected and disenfranchised. It's not enough to slap labels such as toxic masculinity on it. I am a centre left black man and I recognise that for many years now, mainstream othordoxy has bluntly chastised men for engaging in toxic masculinity. Men are accused of being part of a patriarchy and straight white men are portrayed as being responsible for a multitude of historical ills. The reality is many young men do not feel they are benefiting from any type of patriarchy. Men are much more likely to be victims of violence, suffer from mental health issues, commit suicide, be homeless, and the list goes on. So there is a frustration that arises when we keep telling a group in this case men that they are so privileged when in fact their daily lived experience says otherwise. Men are much more sensitive than people realise and we simply do not make adequate room for men in our society. People may laugh at this notion but it's the truth. We need to allow men to be men without labelling it toxic. We also need to recognise that men and women have equal value and equal rights but that men and women are different.
Apparently they want to shut down bullying by bullying some men as they call them incels.
I’m soo fucking lucky I left school before social media was at its infancy and did consume our lives yet
Episode 3 is an incredible piece of TV drama.
Guys need hugs and they won't admit it! I hug other dudes all the time. Tired of hostility. We gotta look out for eachother's wellness every now and then
I do not believe for ONE SECOND any of these people saw the program. If they did, and THIS is the extent of the[r response, then American male youth is properly screwed.
The young boy main actor was soooo good 😮.
Toxic masculinity has been around for centuries. It is nothing new. What is new is that more and more females have become independent minded and self reliant therefor separate themselves from those males who are toxic. They are no longer attractive as mates. In other words, the captain of the football team who has a new girlfriend every week is no longer the most popular guy in the school. We have actually done a very good job of teaching our daughters that abuse and objectification is unacceptable and I for one applaud that!