“I know life is a bitch and she dont fight fair”
He obviously has talent, but the real question is if he has work ethic and consistency
BLP kosher up next. Lil bro goated
“Imma point the flash Adam and even he won’t grab an apple he ain’t make the right decision when he heard that thing rattle” the dreidel man doesn’t miss
He is likable so I hope he does plus his bars have meaning
I fw kosher hard went back and watched his skating videos and he’s solid there too bro put in work
I've been listening to songs for a couple of weeks now and I feel like he can definitely blow up I really support this man he's got a lot of banging hits
Yo ski would be crazy
“thought i was a con, i made it out the sewer, immaculate conesieur
He looks like a meme rapper, so he catches the eye and makes people talk, and has an actual unique sound that is deeper than just a fun vibe like actual meme rappers. His prospects look good.
fr bro, he so good. the last couple years he has had a good couple hits
BLP Kosher on God needs to be next. Dudes crazy talented and humble. If anyone deserves to be next right now its Kosher
That’s my dawg
I like the part where y’all explained how he started out as. Meme
“Everything full of matter I aim this choppa atoms, newtons law of motion, man that shit don’t never stop”
100% he's next up, word play and flow is a breath of fresh air.
He next for sure & deserves to be !
He don’t miss
100% hes up next dude is real what you want