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Thank you for this brilliant video! Really appreciate how you've managed to pack a wealth of information into 11 minutes! 
Your straightforward explanation to identifying the pain sources are clear and simple. Extraordinarily great!


Patella tendon hurts when taking stair steps. I am exercising after a very long spondylodese (68 yrs) and having been inactive for years with non stop pain. Since surgery I have a incomplete hemiplegia on the right side.
Your explanation makes sense. Very well explained. 
I just discovered aqua walking which is a blessing.


One of the best information I have seen with short advises what to do to get relief. I will do these small exercises and report.


This is an excellent video...extremely well explained


Hello from the US.  I have outer knee and under knee cap.  I use the rubbing technique.  It has helped so much.  Thank you


Excellent. Comprehensive. Thank you. Direct and to the point. It seems that when I fix one problem another one appears. Can you suggest a daily preventative routine for all round knee health? Also, with so much bad advice out there, could you do a video of what NOT to do?


Thank you; that's most helpful in understanding the causes and remedies. I have a meniscus tear (confirmed by MRI); it's probably many years/decades old. Strengthening and stretching exercises have got rid of the recent inner knee pain. However, I need to work on improving flexibility, so as to sit cross legged.


I'm here because I managed to get 3 colds in about 4 weeks! My activity went down drastically. Then life did what life does and required me to be up on my feet, taking long walks through town to get places 3 days in a row. My outer knee gave up on the third day and hasn't been right for nearly a month! Thank you for helping me pinpoint what's going on!


Happily, I have none of these, right now! But in the past, I have had meniscus damage, which another of your videos helped me to diagnose. I also had prepatellar bursitis at one point, and had no idea what it was or what had caused it. Mystery solved! No more un-padded tiling for me.

Thank you for such an instructive video and excellent demonstrations!


Literally the best most straightforward video. ❤ this thank you!


Thank you for this very informative video. I'm currently recovering from knee pain which has forced me to reduce my running considerably, and which, from your video, I now know is runner's knee.
Exercise regime to strengthen knees has begun.


Thank you for your very efficient videos! I don't know if it is the best place to ask but do you have a method to extend a leg that was slightly shortened (by about 1 cm) after a double fracture of the tibia? It is for my friend, she is a dancer and can feel the difference. She doesn't feel any pain (it is an old fracture) but feel the imbalance when dancing and has to compensate it. I wonder if you could make a video to fix this kind of issue as I assume many others would be interested.


Wow! This video is incredible - more useful than my MRI or Physical Therapy combined. Thank you so much!


I had soreness in my left knee for a month or more and all of a sudden sharp pain one night while running on the treadmill.
Now it's difficult to run/walk without pain but cycling doesn't hurt as much.


I am 78 and my pain is on the inner right knee,  the pain has gotten worse and I started crying and screaming from this pain!! I am icing and taking pain medication and nothing is helping me!!! I can be a sleep and turn, I wake up screaming,  I get up to use the bathroom and I start screaming!!!! It's the most agonizing pain when it comes, so I  have been getting shots and exercises for 15 years now nothing is working.  Please 🙏 🙏 is there a way to make it go away??


Thank you so much for making this!!!


miniscus injury for me at the moment. single point of pain on the inner knee at the joint. been 2 weeks now, knee stiff after sitting, only painfull if the knee flexes in or out not bending although it does make normal bending stiff initially


Your exercises have helped ease significant amount of pain, I wanted to cry in relief. Thanks for the info Doc!


Great explanation and excercises. I've had many knee surgeries over the years, and over time, I've forgotten many of the PT exercises, etc.