
The lack of accountability at every level of government is beyond anything we the people could imagine. We expect that the government is managing money the way we do, but the incompetence is undeniable.


What a sad sad seemingly traitor in our midst


Thank you Senator Adam Schiff. 🩡
I so appreciate you and the other Democrat Senators 😊 that have channels on YT to show us how hard you are fighting for democracy for us. I wish my senator did. God bless you and keep you always. βš–οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ™


As one after another gets confirmed. The path we are heading down is getting darker by the day.


I have to say I enjoyed the little dig at Louis deJoy.


Thank you Senator!!! Please keep fighting for us!


I sure hope you can get through to the other Congressmen and the Senate. You've stated the absolute truth.


Russia Russia Russia Russia whistleblower mountain of evidence Russia Russia Russia PARDON!!!!  Maryland's third senator


Thank you Senator Schiff. Be loud, be mad, gum up the process. If you can't shut it down, slow it down. Thank you, thank you!


πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ … thank you SENATOR ADAM!! πŸ™ 


Congratulations, Lt Col Gabbard! From a United States Army Veteran. We took our oath seriously.


I can hear the raids coming for Adam


Preach Sir !!!!




Did you disclose your sponsors? YouTube’s pretty strict about that.


why dod we have to keep having to listen to this guy?


Congrats to Tulsi!


Typical politician,


I see the Russian, Magat, Gabb trolls are out in force.  They really hate the truth.


He was going to vote no regardless. Arrest Schiff please!