The dog seems to appreciate this nice music performance!
olivier Franc !! toutes ces années , chapeau bas.....
Beautiful. This whole performance had an amazing feel to it. Some really great saxophone playing as always from you. I've not heard Oliver before, but he has left a huge impression on me, and I've spoken a little with Jean, who's an amazing pianist in many different style. He plays Donald Lamberts arrangements fantastically. I think I'll be listening to some Sidney Bechet this evening. I've not heard a lot of his playing actually, I've listened to the four recordings he made with Jelly Roll Morton over and over, and I love his recording of the Maple Leaf Rag, but asides those and a few standards I've listened to him play once or twice, I've yet to hear a lot. He certainly was great though, so it'll be nice to spend a while listening to him
2 Bechets !!! Excelente !!! Saludos de Francisco Castillo de la Small Jazz Band de Córdoba, Argentina.
Nanna does a perfect Bechet - fabulous!
Moment béni! inoubliable! 😍
Excellent merci de me permettre de revoir Olivier que j allais écouté sous l esplanade des galeries Lafayette tous les midis en 1976 du temps de notre jeunesse !!!!!!
Superbe !!
Mais qu'est ce que c'est que ce chef-d'œuvre ? Et je suis passé à côté de ça.... J'ai la gaule
Excellent! Merci Nanna , Olivier, et Jean-Baptiste pour ce merveilleux moment en compagnie de Sydney Bechet!🤩🎷🎹
Pure class as always. Greetings from Bergen op Zoom!
Que c'est beau, le soprano !
Excellent ! Too bad a concert was not arranged for you both in Paris during your stay. Would love to hear you play Song of Songs together !
I love it. I seen his performance with wycliffe Gordon and it was mesmerizing. I can only hope I see these two in person. Their playing gives me a nostalgic feeling and taking me back to my playing days.
Beyond words, what a gift !
magnifico, love you nanna
Two masters of there instrument