I love this
currently obsessed
this is wayyyyyy too good.
If I could buy stock in Noga Erez, I would cuz they are BLOWIN’ UP!
I'm speechless. This is so good. Why I haven't hear this any earlier?
בהתחלה חשבתי שזה קליפ מחו"ל, וואו איזה שיר!
Got this as an ad and this is incredible!!!why isn't this bigger?!?
this is so unique and cool!
The choreography is really great! Keeps you glued to the screen, and entertained along with the song. Had to be really creative to do this on stairs, and the amount of takes or practice to get this right must’ve took some tries. Awesome 👏🏽
just discovered Noga and I am absolutely hypnotized and in awe with her!!!!!...in a world dominated by Swifters and Queen B.......I absolutely love the underdog!!!!...the sound...the beats...the lyrics...just fulhkkin amazing!!!!!
Where has this been in my life till now? This track is fire. Just added this to like 4 playlists.
You can buy views but you can’t buy cool. Noga’s a force.
This song is hard as hell
Obsessed. Just obsessed with you both.
The artistry in the videos is amazing.
Your going to be huge Noga, I feel it. This track is so goooooooddd
This is SO DOPE! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
את פשוט אדירה נגה! איזה גרוב, איזה יופי, איזה תחכום! מאחלת לך שתצליחי עם המוסיקה שלך