Bro y’all could be twin couples with my sister and her boyfriend 😂❤
She's funny asf🤣🤣
Omg I laughed so much at this its freaking hilarious
Omg the dogs in the period products 😭 my dogs do that it’s so gross like whyyyy
Guys they don’t want to do vlogs anymore. They just want a normal healthy life now
Girl you are brave if I played this game with my hubby I'd be bright red🤣😂
This went from 1 to 100 real fast
If I can just half this love I'll be blessed
I love you guys you guys are sooo funny❤😂
bring back THE VLOGS pleaseeee we love you guys 💕💕
You guys are so cute I’m jealous 😅
The 4 head is crazy like wow
ahhh....Love stories😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
Love this😂😂😂😂
Hahaha, love the videos, and just know that all the people leaving bc the bring back the blog comments don’t understand that you guys have a life outside of this
His nose looks just like mine.. I've thought about surgery, but I guess it adds character. I fell out of a tree hanging upside down and landed face first on a rock and with all of the blood that was flowing out of my face my parents could not believe that I didn't knock out any teeth or break my nose.. but apparently I did something close to breaking it if not completely breaking it and it just wasn't so noticeable.. love that we never went to the doctor growing up unless we were dying 👍
ah yes I see I'm not the only one that gets shown love by being gassed under the covers
Back roads are statistically more dangerous.