Let's be honest, once you've played MH for such a long time, the only way you cart is by being one shotted or getting stunned. It's not even that surprising that people don't get carted in the high rank games anymore.
"Make low rank meaningful" it is meaningful. For those who are new to the series and are learning the games. You don't get flak for wanting more difficulty. You get it for going on tangents about difficulty using a bad measurement (carting) during a time where people are meant to be learning the game. The reality is you are a vet so like with souls games you already went through the learning process making a lot of those fights easy for you while it is hard for others. I found majority of the boss fights in Elden Ring easy. It isn't because the game itself is easy. It is because I have experience playing other souls games and that experience carries over. Not everybody has that experience.
It's crazy that IGN actually had a real gamer doing this preview. Not to mention a monster hunter fan.
i'm sorry Ruri but has veterans, we can't be scared of early game monsters anymore. we're just old brother. :) :(
A MH veteran not carting once in LOW RANK is not weird at all, i ask everyone worried about the difficulty in wilds to go back to your older title of your choosing and see that low rank has never really been that difficult and we veterans of the series just keep getting better over time. People should hold off worrying about the dificulty until we get the full release.
As a MH veteran myself, there isn't a single monster in world/iceborne that scares me, not until after the main story that is. There are still scary monsters post story, like raging brach, alatreon, furious rajang and so on. A friend of mine picked up world recently, as his first game, and watching him getting clapped by monsters like LR Diablos, anjanat and so on made me realize that the difficulty is fine. Rurikhan should also be aware of this considering he has been watching Preach play world for the first time recently.
It’s almost as if low rank isn’t for master rank level hunters???
Why is difficulty only measured by carting? Realistically when you full cart to a monster it's probably because you outright did something dumb, or the monster had a one-shot attack that you didn't avoid. Is it impossible to find a fight difficult unless you cart to it? To me personally as long as I have to pay attention and put my full effort forward the fight is difficult regardless of if I cart.
So glad she pointed out how over time she has become a better player and thus her lack of carts make sence. Its so frustrating that some of the old guard are so dead set that they should struggle against the first low ranks hunts cause they did in their first game when they were 10. My first game was 3u. I struggled to get out of lr. I was a kid. I went back like a year or so ago and i breezed through hr with 0 failures and only a couple carts. Ive become a better player the game didnt suddenly get easy after 10 years with a patch
The difficulty for the first group of monsters she listed makes sense based on the prev interviews with the Devs. They had distinct roles for each of those monsters to better introduce new players to the franchise Chatacabra - direct attacks Quematrice - area attacks Doshaguma - large monster pack system Balahara - environmental fights Congalala - status effects Lala Barina - quick repositioning Uth Duna (repell) - Apex repelling and 2 states (water shield, no water shield) So it makes sense that those being the "first 7 monsters" as feeling potentially easy to vet players, as they are very much designed to be a ramp up for new players. (what's weird to me is the "first 7 monsters" part, which means Rey Dau, the apex of the first zone, is fought after Uth Duna, the apex of the second zone. Didn't expect that, tbh) If you played the beta, you might recall the star system. That is where I believe the difficulty for this group of monster lies for those who want more of a challenge outside of the standard story-quest difficulty. As 5star Doshaguma was not a pushover. He had multiple one shot moves and was a lot more tanky.
I’m glad a lot of people in the comments express common sense. It’s really no surprise someone experienced doesn’t get carted in low rank. Plus, difficulty is closely related to gear. For all we know, this reviewer could be using high end gear provided with the build.
You never mentioned the star difficulty system that will also make the monsters much harder 5 star alpha doshaguma was harder than Rey Dau for instance. The IGN hunt video for black flame shows that it was only a 3 star, and that was the one that carted the previewer I really think the star system is going to allow even vet players to experience a good amount of difficulty.
The lady has it right Ruri. You and I and veteran hunters are just to experienced to struggle in Low rank. Wait for high rank and G Rank to struggle.
Man, this specific video was frustrating to watch. I wish Rurikhan would do an uninterrupted watch first, then go back with pauses. Because this video was him interrupting a person to make a point that she was just about to make. Rather hear him actually listen to all of the points first, then react.
Most of the difficulty at the beginning is learning how to handle the control of the game and learning how your weapon works. Since MH is a franchise that always have the same basics, veterans will bypass most of the initial difficulty. And this IGN Lady is one of the veterans, it makes sense that she wouldn’t cart easily. She was right about this too; The most difficult Monster Hunter is your first Monster Hunter.
I've put well over a thousand hours into world... and yet in the beta the doshaguma and the rey dau had fainted me on several occasions... we're hunters... and we've been around a while. New monsters with new tricks up their sleeves will still trip us up. And even then... there needs to be a reasonable starting point for new hunters that isnt brutally challenging. We'll get our scary monsters and hard hunts in high rank, and even more in master rank. What we need to do is make sure we can help our fellow and fledgling hunters fall in love with the series that has become so near and dear to our hearts. The true hunter's way. Together.
Seeing people whine about difficulty is so tiring. I just want to get excited with people over new monsters man.
Dude when is the last time you carted in lr or hr?
I understand people care about difficulty so much. But this is not a from soft game. Games are supposed to be fun. Not bull crap artificial difficulty adjustment relax. Its not the end of the world and world was not even hard it was just cheap shot central untell you got use to it or the devs got lazy and made the monster just be a 3 or 2 or 1 shot hits aka artificial difficulty adjustment, which is not a good hard difficulty. It's just bull crap until you get used to it. You can't balance a game around people that have with X amount of hours on older games. You gotta keep that in mind. Andthis is low rank for all we know this is going to be harder then we all think it is all so.