Yep, Jianxin it is. Thank you Sweetily looking forward to all the WuWa content swtHype!
Really helpful video, I knoww I always sit there for hours and hours for choosing these kinds of things and always end up constantly asking my friends :_swtXDD: and a really nice and clean + easy to understand format :_swtCheer: :_swtHug:thankss for all of your hard work..!
:_swtHeart:Thanks for the hard work on the video, simple and easy to understand each of the characters roles. I'm still not too sure who I'll be picking, but I think I'll decide based on who I get from the Novice banner :_swtOhh: though I kind of want to avoid Lingyang :_swtDerp:
I’m definitely going for calcharo, he’s really cool and he synergizes well with yinlin who I’m pulling for
Thanks for the guide! Very helpful. I'm thinking of choosing Verina as she has a lot of utility and it looks like she's going to be future proof. I also like Jianxin a lot, is a though decision to make.
Thank you for the tips :_swtCute:I am interested in the multiple utilities Jianxin provides but as you suggested will definitely wait to try them out first :_swtOhh:
Can't wait for this game and am really glad we have this video to help with the overwhelming amount of info! Much love <3
Encore! Encore! And not just the character :_swtXDD:In seriousness though, these standard banner characters are so likely to be replaced down the line that hopefully this helps players decide without getting too fixated on analysis paralysis. The kit descriptions and pro and cons of their playstyles in particular are so valuable. Thanks for the video! :_swtCheer:
Your voice is literally angelic! Thanks for the breakdown of each character, it really helped!!
Thank you so much for the tips! I was already panicking a bit 'cause I didn't know who to choose yet XD I want to try planning my teams carefully, so I'm thinking about choosing Verina (cause I am 100% sure that it will take me a while to learn how to dodge, having an extra healer will probably save me TuT) (or Encore, 'cause I love the way she goes berzerk XD)
Thank you for all your hard work on this WuWa video! Gonna use this as a nice reference for when I finally decide to pick up the game~
You just got a new fan 🎉 your Danjin plays were very c'est magnifique👌 not to mention the detailed guide. Thanks!🙇
Thank you for the hard work in making this video :_swtCheer:love the very quick but detailed summary of each characters :_swtHeart:will likely go for Encore (cute girl pink hair what's not to like :_swtXDD:) but as long as its not a male character i'll be happy :_swtDerp:
Thanks for the info, can’t wait to pull for Sephiroth in Wuthering Waves😄
Thank you Ariel for all that info and your video ! personally i'm going for Calcharo and maybe Verina later ^^
What a fantastic video with easy great information. Thank you.
My GF just dumped me and your voice calms me and makes me feel better. Thank you.
Another really great video sweetily you are easily one of my favorite creators in the gacha space and this breakdown made it really easy for me too pick which character I am going for amazing content as always love your stuff
I going for encore and verina cuz they arr adorable and pretty good Also your voice is so soothing 😞