The voices really suit the two for some reason ❤❤❤
While the song is playing there was another song in my head: One KISS IS ALL IT ALL TAKES 😂
I swear- the voices match so well omg
Honestly, he could play Achilles
I love spotting Epic the Musical in the wild. So satisfying. Mr Jalapeno needs more fans! BECOME WINIONS I BEG OF YOU
Annabeth: 👁️👄👁️
The adorable little trip he does gets me everytime 😭❤️
It's the collab nobody knew they needed👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼✨✨😩😩
It’s actually Athena in Odysseus. Apollo is is like a half brother.
Athena hated Olympus because she thought the mortals were worthy to exist but the gods of Olympus didn’t think they were worthy of living or co-existing.
Girl, you slay that outfit😊
Beatiful voices ever who agrees 👇
EPIC!!!! they gonna span a whole fandom with this one
that man should be in a movie: 💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
His lighting in brighter than my future 💀
they slayed the transition💗💗
This is actually how I found out about Epic around a year ago! And I don't regret it, I live the community and I'm so happy
Ok let’s be honest they both slayed and the characters suit them so well! 💗✌🏼