
Remember folks. If it's not 100% accurate, then it's 0% accurate.


I’ve been watching quick and chilln for years now, this might be one of the first times I’ve heard either of them mention a Pokémon’s nature 😂


I was hoping chilln would bring out the octillery against the weavile. +6 after taking one beat up would have been nuts


I know it's not true, but it feels like you guys mess Quick's accuracy. Poor guy, RNJesus is never in his favor


Quick just letting his freeze dry mon die was crazy, should have done everything to perserve it. But the rng really failed the ice types today. W water types tho, my pick moves on


RNG always screws quick over lol


ThrowGG at it again. Dude what were you thinking?! You should have swapped Glastrier out after you killed Baraskewda so that you could reset the 2 defense losses. Even after the 2 losses, Glastrier still survived another hit from a physical move so it would have survived tons more with its defenses back to normal. It was at half health so swapping out was definitely the right call.


I love how both of these guys have decent strategies they would like to do in the battle (chillin with Octillery for example) then proceed to completely forget about all of that 😂


That power whip miss was TRAGIC


Whenever I listen to matchbox 20 now I think of chilln🤣🤣🤣🤣


it ain’t a versus challenge unless QuickGG’s multi-hit attacks only land twice 💀🙏🏿


He'll never actually figure out how beat up works will he? 🤣


Really love to see power whip action right there.  Maybe in the next video


Was quick thinking of freeze dry when he said glaciate?


I am again posting this in hopes of this becoming a challenge

Love your vids along with Chillin 

Here's an idea for you both:

Roll a D6/ Spin a Wheel

Whatever the number, you must encounter a Pokémon with something pertaining to that number (E.G. roll a 3 and encounter a Tauros which you catch because it has 3 tails and this can be up to any interpretation). 

Overworld encounter
Random Pokémon
Random abilities
Fully evolved
3 skips
Roll 6 sided die/ spin wheel with 6 numbers to determine feature of Pokémon to capture


beat up uses each mon on your teams attack stat for each roll so that's why each hit does so much different damage. Like the giant hits were from glastrier and darmanitan.


Next challenge. Both encounter a random wild pokemon and that will determine your type dont tell the other what type you got. If it's a duo type, you can only pick one of that type and that will be your whole type roster.


Was I the only one that noticed that Chilln’s move sets were so similar? He got 3 liquidations, then two water pulses, two water shurikens, and two water pledges lol. In a way he also kind of got horrible RNG this round in the sense that half his Pokémon had the same moves!


Another reason why Swampert is one of the better starter mons out there.


Great video as always gotta like and leave a comment and still rooting for fighting type to take the dub 💪