
This was such a fun list to come up with! What are some of your favorite Xbox One hidden gems?


Honourable mention: Sleeping Dogs


Yes! Quantum Break is a hidden gem! It's takes up a lot of space on your harddrive, but I highly recommend people download all the episodes and enjoy it! It's a game/tv show hybrid, that was WAAAY ahead of its time.


Great list!  Killer Instinct is console exclusive too and is still a great fighting game.  I’ll have to get Mafia for sure.


Every video that shows love for the Xbox One gets an immediate like from me. It’s a great system in my opinion with a great library of games. I couldn’t agree more on the list you put together. A lot of early titles like Ryse and Quantum Break are indeed often overlooked. There are two games that i would like also like to mention, in case you haven’t played them: Mad Max and Homefront: The Revolution. Not exclusive to the Xbox One but two of the best games of the previous generation of consoles. Thanks for sharing and take care.


Ryse Son of Rome,
Was also the first game that I played on the Xbox one and the first new "next generation" game that I played in 2013 and I thought it looked better than anything else at the time!!!! 

I absolutely loved the gameplay, I thought the graphics were absolutely incredible, even to this day they still look good? And I have to say that it is one of my favorite Xbox exclusive titles that we should've got a trilogy for???


Honorable mention:

I'm literally only a minute into the video, but I'm certain you will not mention this as nobody ever does, but the game is:

Mutant year zero Road to Eden 

This game is very fun and very memorable for a stealth strategy RPG!! it has a catchy story and awesome, lovable characters!!! 15 to 25 hour experience at Most!


Oh, awesome, thanks for the heads-up on OnRush. Never heard of it before. I’ve actually been hunting for something like MotorStorm. Missed those kinds of games, thought they were done making them. And it’s made by the MotorStorm devs? Plus, it’s on modern consoles? That’s sick news. Appreciate it!


Watching your channel I learn something new all of the time


I still have the Xbox One 500 GB model and it's amazing it works great


Some more games to check out if you're interested:
Unravel/unravel 2.Marvel midnight suns.A Way out.Ori.Soul hackers 2.Blacksad under the skin. Attack on titan 2.


My favorite thing about the Deadpool game even though I've never played it is the chick holding up the "I love DP" sign!!!


You are the MVP for giving these games love


Deadpool costs more than a new game. The prices it's  going at now used are ridiculous. So I would avoid it until it gets to a reasonable  price if that ever happens.


Great video 👍 just in time cause i just got another Xbox one a almost brand new one s actually for only 130$ bucks a few days ago and ready to pick up some games.


I was fortunate enough to go to Gamescom Cologne in 2013 and was just amazed by the graphics on Rise.  They also had a 10 foot mech Titan Fall, life size Lords of Shadow Dracula on Throne, and a Fallen statue from Destiny.  Also a curved movie theatre sized screen for Call of Duty Ghosts.  I’d  go yearly if I still lived in Germany.


What Games Like Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible, Just Cause 3-4, Evil West, Redout and The Evil Within 1-2?


Love your video


great video


I have 7 games for the Xbox One, and I have 90% of it's exclusives.