
This song is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!😊


music helps you heal, you are doing graet and i love this song


Drop it already 😭😩❤️


I'm honestly so proud of you Alex. I love all of your songs and I'm a super big fan of you and Kouvr❤️ This song is so amazing i love it 😭 😭❤️ cant wait until it comes out!! hope you notice this<3


Bro this song hit me, i recently just got back with one of my exes and I've gotten a lot of crap for it and people telling me shes not worth it, even thoguh shes changed from what she was like before, genuinely. I was just thinking about breaking up with her but i realized that it wouldnt be right at all and it would hurt her, and if it hurts her it hurts me.


Bro I was on snap and I saw your video while I’m going through texts with my crush who rejected me and I see this song and I start balling cause I feel like shit


I need this song so bad 😢😮


Beautiful song and voice is perfect


This is so good your voice is amazing ❤


I’m so excited for this to come out ❤


i want this song so bad 🥹🥹


Can’t wait for this to come out


Sent to my self


I stayed up till midnight and it’s still not out I didn’t fall asleep till 2 am


At this point just realise it


You have to drop early it to long 😢❤


Give me album please


y’all don’t realize this isn’t THE Alex Warren’s account, right?


What will be the name of the song