
For over 40 years now (since it was released), my absolute favorite Christmas song of all time. 🎄 ❤️


One of the best Christmas songs ever produced and it's Pure Canadiana!!! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Its just not Christmas without this song


I have been looking for this song for so long. I love it. Me mom died  around this time and I played a million times on a cassette I made for the radio.


One of my favorite Christmas songs!


I NEVER let a Christmas go by without listening to this one at least a few dozen times!  'Christmas is coming!  It's been a long year!...'


Always loved this underrated  classic album and song. Great voice and writing...
Performance is enough to make me break thru all the christmas crap.


You got that right one of the thi gs my brother taught me was Canadian. I met Paul Hyde i lved one block from him Vancouver ,BC.


Still have my original release of this on LP!! Great but sad song. Thank you for reminding me to play it again. Too all those thumbs down people scroll on trolls!


This one never gets old


Love it👍. One of my favorite Christmas songs


This was played on my store intercom every december at my grocery store I worked at for 19 yrs. Now that store closed down 2020, then I heard this on the radio this year, and now I know about it.


Please, please, please re-issue this album on CD. C'mon, someone pull out the masters, and do us a favour...
I played this LP over & over, and never tired of it.
I've since sold my collection, and cannot believe that 'Hammer on a Drum' was never available in the digital format.
"Eyes of a Stranger" is a terrific song, and Payola$ should be remembered for it; however this album top to bottom is perhaps one of the most overlooked gems. "No Prisoners," "Never Said I Loved You," "Christmas is Coming," and the title track might stylistically stray (steel drums, etc.), yet there are common threads throughout that pull this album together - Mick Ronson's genius, Paul Hyde's raw soul, and Bob Rock's sonics shine.
This album is a masterpiece.


Why is this fabulous song not available on iTunes or Apple Music. 😒


No truer  words spoken these days ...missing so much and so many  loved ones   damn covid 19


I love this Christmas song ❤ touches my heart! 😊❤


I need Christmas now. June, 2020.


Love This Song!🎄😊


I had this album. And it was green.


I WISH this was on spotify😭