
One of these videos is gonna turn out to be real and everyone will think it's a joke. The boy who cried boing boing.


After this video, Dan slowly regained conciousness but could only recite "I am an Chuckler, the Chuckster"


You're laughing. He cantg find epi pen and you're laughing.


vapers the second they realize they forgot their vape


dan, so you're telling me you have an "allergic reaction" to peanuts and you will "die" if you don't get your epipen? yeah right, daniel. how do I know your not just gonna try and get a boing boing with it? i don't give epipens to liars, danny boy.


oh… thats gore of my… comfort character


Oh that's what that little yellow thing was. silly me


Drug addicts always overreacting like they "NEED" it smh


he kinda looked like cherrybomb album cover


For those who don’t know: 
“CANTG FIND EPI PEN”it means that He swallowed a pen, and now… he’s choking on it


I have an EpiPen. My friend gave it to me as he died. It must have meant a lot to him so I keep it with me everywhere I go.


Glad you’re representing the allergy community. Important work!


the sounds in this one really got me oozing. Keep it up, Dan!


Deltarune fans when they go to high school and there is no big sexy purple tomboy dragon girl


ILL SAVE YOU DAN! I know mouth to mouth 😏


Educational! Thank you!


Nice cosplay of the album cover of the Court of the Crismon King, Dan!


those who are here after he died 😂 


I'm convinced that this guy's a skinwalker that recently escaped the basement after being strapped to a chair watching nothing but the angry korean gamer raging.


Great video Dan! Proud to see how far you have come.