She has always been nothing but legs. So adorable.
And she was still amazing as a kid❤ Mel rlly is a beautiful and amazing dancer!❤
You can see the determination in her little face 😊 That same determination that took her to 20 pirouettes in a row.
Her technique has always been phenomenal but love how especially her artistry has developed so much!
🥹😭 omgoodness! Born with it!! Such talent even at a young age, she really was built for ballet. Melanie is exquisite & she is destined for greatness.
Love seeing the dancers grow and learn in these compilations.
You’re so beautiful Mel!! You make me cry watching you dance.
idk what melanie has but when she dances it's just so special and magical and not many other dancers make me feel that way.
Melanie embodies elegance, beauty, and poise 🌟🪽✨✨✨
Из утёнка в лебедя❤. Мелани прекрасна!
She has such long legs. Such a pretty dancer.
Mel is an amazing ballet dancer and she is on her way to greatness. love watching shorts of her dance and seeing how dedicated she is
You can see her skill even so young and her growth! The arm control the balance the grace she developed with her moves. She went from a dancer to a performer ✨
If you look ať her face she is proud and beliving her self that she will never give up 😊❤✨
Melanie is just soo exquisite, elegant, classy beautiful,talented and soo much more❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. I love MELANIE ❤❤❤❤❤
Baby Mel kinda reminds me of a newborn horse in the best way possible 🥺💕
You can see the determination in little Melanie's face and the enjoyment in grown-up Melanie's face! Such a beautiful dancer with great strength and gracefulness! 💗💗💗
Awww baby Mel. She was special from the start.
So adorable!! ❤ Nice to be able to see her develop over the years. Thanks for posting. 👍