You know you did good job on front end design when your selling point is "it's not that bad on dark color car"
Can you imagine buying a new 7 series and in the car camera gallery there's Doug DeMuro smiling at you.
I love the features and tech in this car but I can’t imagine this thing after 10 years. So many damn sensors and screens must cost a fortune when one goes out.
Gotta love Doug just casually promoting Cars & Bids while standing next to an MC12
Doug's choice of Avril Lavigne - Complicated for displaying the door screen 🤣
Side profiles, especially the doors, roof and the overall body silhouette takes volumes of inspiration from Rolls Royce.
Doug, could you incorporate drive by footage of the vehicles? I love seeing them on the road from an outside perspective. Great video btw, per usual!!
Never expected to come to an era where cars look and feel more and more like smartphones.
His 25-30min videos feels like a 10min short video because he knows exactly how to keep you very interested, like you can't even skip a single second
Having owned a couple older 7 series cars in the past I cant imagine how fast this will depreciate after warranty and with how niche all these parts are, I cant imagine how expensive and hard to get the parts will be to fix this. Seems like it will just be disposable after 10 years.
If your paying $130,000 for a car, we not worried about repair cost.
Imagine how many fault code sensors this will have in a few years. The thing I like about this car it doesn't scream flashy.
I think power doors that need a suite of sensors to open and take longer than just opening a door with your hands like a normal human are the perfect analogy of what's wrong with the car industry today. And before I get called a boomer I'm only 27 😩. Edit: i take that back, this whole car is everything I hate about the modern car industry
This whole car is next level, and then you see the GUI of the back seat passengers and you wonder why they hired a graphic designer from 2010 to design the menu
Doug is always teasing us with the upcoming videos when he goes to talk about his segway to cars and bids 😂
BMW created this 7 series exactly for Doug, so he can enjoy with quirks and features
Doug is the type of guy who will sit next to you on a empty bus
I am a big fan of the new 7 series, the technology is insanely impressive. I think it looks much better than the last post LCI model and the interior is gorgeous
What a beautiful MC12, cant wait for that one, maybe not till Dougcember? That's got to be a pretty good one :)