
The story of the abandonment of the working class for the sake of greed is the reason for so much suffering and decline, it is the story of modern america


We now have big corporations buying up our houses, jacking up the prices, and laughing all the way to the bank. Stop these monopolies.


This is the sort of reporting the people of Springfield deserved back then.


The narrator says government failed to help cities during the time of transition. This is partly true. They didn’t help people on Main Street, but they sure as hell helped people on Wall Street.


22:47 “We’re being lied to… Unbelievably.”

This is it right here! Thank you for all that you do!


I'm from there, still have parents there, visit there every month or so. I spent much childhood growing up in FL, lived in couple other states. The things people complain about are happening in EVERY city. The problems are caused by CORPORATIONS, MONOPOLIES, CORRUPTION. Mom and pops cannot exist anymore. People born and raised there think it's only happening there. Blame your government, not poor victims from other places.


Rich people pitting poor people against other poor people.


I would have like to see Black Americans of Springfield interviewed as well.


German here: 12 hour days aren't allowed in Germany. Regular is 8 hours and you can stretch it to 10 hours but only when the single employee agrees and you can't do it longer than 10 days. Most jobs with union contracts work less than 40 hours a week like 37,5 is becoming a standard in western Germany.


Ironic when the working class who most benefit from unions overwhelmingly vote for the party that actively opposes all things union.


The town I live in, just two years ago the rent was $500 to $700. Now, its between $900 too $1500. Blaming pour people for things being more expensive instead of blaming the people actually charging you the high prices just shows how the rich keep us convinced that the pour are to blame for everything


Worry about the homeless, the veterans, the elderly and the Americans struggling with floods and fires 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


That vet nailed it. He fought a rich mans war all for the wrong reasons and  he was left without.


Corporate American engineered the demise of working and middle class and then, working and middle class put trust in corporate America to build their lives back. Unbelievable!


This was really well put together and focused on facts instead of rumors. People of different backgrounds are fighting and blaming each other while rich corporations exploit all of them. If these people really came together to discover the truth, real change could happen.


NAFTA screwed american workers ... needs to be fixed


All in the name of greed they shipped the jobs out.


Living with FIFTEEN other people and still paying TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH???? How these landlords get away with it is insane


Love that this channel has the American experience with out editing out things to feed a narrative. I appreciate all you are doing


Increase in crime, increase in welfare, decrease in wages, rising housing prices. Higher unemployment,  less opportunities for Americans...this is not good for America 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢