
So good to be back! Sorry I've been away for a few weeks. Back to regular content!!! Thanks to Drift for sponsoring today's video. Use code EMELIA to get 55% off your first month at Drift.co https://drft.info/3PXAkU5


A Pagani owner that actually drives the shit out of the car! BRAVO! 👏


high five to Vince. anyone that can afford a car like that and let Emelia review it.......props.


Vince seems like a genuine and chill guy and his daughter seems genuine and chill too. No arrogance at all.


I mean, that guy just received a MASTERPIECE called Pagani and gave it to Emelia like: go have fun with it... This is probally the coolest car guy I've seen so far in youtube. Thanks for bringing this content, instant like!


Lmao Vince Zampella legendary creator of Call of Duty. Did not expect that.


I met a guy in Miami about 11 years ago, at a Shell station on South Beach. He didn't know me from Adam and let me sit in his Huayra. Mind blowing. You could sit there for hours fawning over the details. I asked him what it was like to drive, and He said it was beyond stressful ... Lol,
Truly amazing car.


The way Emelia asks how many horse power is it and he has no issue saying "I don't know" lets you in on the fact that he is a very confident and relaxed person. Very cool car!


The fact that Vince entrusted his new just-from-the-dealership $6.2 million dollar car to Emilia to take for a spin tells you in which high regard people hold her. She's earned every bit of it. Also, although he obviously likes his new purchase, Vince isn't all about the money. It's a grandiose and glorious car, for sure, but that's not what life is for him. Vince is good people.

I loved this episode.


The fact that this man trusts you with his daughter and his 7 million dollar hyper car speaks volumes. I hope your Uncles house is coming along. Have a great weekend


Absolutely gorgeous and the car is not bad either. Seriously Pagani's are truly a rolling sculpture, not something that looks mass produced. They go back to the days of builders hand crafting each body as a work of art.


Oh to be wealthy, I can only dream, but what a vehicle. A symphony of moving parts combined into a creature that commands attention and a delight to the senses, Bravo.


I cannot love this video enough!  So amazing to see the car and you enjoying it like you did.  That look on both your face and Vince's face was priceless when you revved it up with the door open.  Lol!  Those moments are some to remember.  Thanks for sharing!


Finally, a proper hyper car on the channel. Been waiting for you to get a Pagani on the channel. Stunning car, art on wheels. I love everything that Horacio Pagani designs.


Several outstanding things:
- The name of this spec.
- Those heart-pumping revs.
- Emelia's legs. (Not kidding on that one.)


That pagani looks amazing in that blue! It’s always fun to see you driving hyper cars the way they’re supposed to be driven!


Vince is such an awesome guy! You can tell he loves the car like a car owner should! He isn’t afraid to enjoy it and use it and let people he cares about enjoy it as well rather than just hiding it away in a garage, never putting any miles on it, and just getting it to try to get approval or recognition from other people. He is super down to earth and he seems like the kind of hyper car owner that Horacio Pagani is pleased to build one of his works of art for! Good people attract other good people Emelia! The trust and respect you have with your friend Vince is no surprise! Thanks to you, and Vince for an amazing video and for sharing with all of us! 👍


"Joint custody", he just quietly smiles.


Vince is a good friend to have👌 Everybody needs a Vince in their lives


That is probably the sickest & most expensive car you've ever had on your YouTube channel!! AND you got to drive it!!! So awesome! You've got some great family & friends Emelia. Can't wait for the new content. 🤟😎