
I hope this clears somethings up and I hope everyone is doing okay! I love you and always be you no matter what 💗💗💗


Clearing something up…I didnt say my mom is fake😭 I meant imagine how insane it is, just because “I don’t show her face” people assume she’s fake


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


why would people say being this close to your brothers is weird, you have an amazing relationship and that's really wonderful.


The way she is talking with us and making her feel comfortable warms my heart.
Lala we’re always here.


how are people so stupid not to know shes an ACTRESS and "lala" is a character?! it is scary how bad social media has ruined the brains of people.... the inability to tell reality for a show...


She def watched the “missweiwei” channel


This actuslly broke my heart, and I’m happy she told the truth and respects her family privacy
I don’t care if it’s staged or not, the fact she posts and keeps me happy is all I care about


This does clear a lot of things up, I could never tell if you were acting/exaggerating the situations or if some of these events that happened were real and I could never really tell. This makes a lot more sense!!


''The hurt I'm feeling, the pain I'm feeling, the sadness I'm feeling is all there.'' I felt that.
 It's okay we love you girl. Stay strong! ❤❤


Lala, you’ve spoken words of pure truth and inspiration. 💖 Life is about embracing your individuality and living it on your terms. The courage to be yourself without seeking approval is what makes you truly extraordinary. Keep shining and living for you—because that’s your superpower! 🌟✨:pillow-turquoise-hot-chocolate::fish-orange-wide-eyes:


Please get help, Lia. It is okay if you are scared and unsure, but manipulating your young audience is not right. As someone, who has gone through mental health problems myself, I am concerned for you. None of the lying is okay and taking responsibility should be something you should know, as an adult. Please take some time off, get therapy and people to confide to, and really think upon what you are gonna do next. I hope you get better, genuinely.


The way she said “hi beautiful” was just so sweet it melted my heart!❤ I love her suzie vids so much 
(ILOVE how she’s trying to fast too!!❤she just so positive and supportive


How is it that not more girls know about Divine Super Diva by Adeline Mordy? This book is absolutely full of mind-blowing techniques.


What she's saying could be true or it couldn't, we have no way of knowing.  She says that some of here videos are POV's, I would assume the crazy ones that she's getting so much hate for.  But if you're doing POV's, then TELL THE INTERNET THAT THEY ARE POV'S.  Nobody will know that she made fake content on purpose if she doesn't label them as fake, or a POV, or something to tell us that what is happening isn't real.  If she did that, then she wouldn't be getting so much hate.


You're so brave for going out there and sharing all of this, knowing that there will always be haters and people who are jealous of you. I admire you so much! Keep doing what makes you happy and stay strong 🫶. So many people feel like they have to go out into the world with a mask on, and the way you carry yourself and care so much about your family is heartwarming. Watching this moved me beyond words.


Your heart feels so full, weighed down with so many thoughts, and you just  let it all out. You’re amazing for doing that. Sending you so much love from Nigeria.


to whoever saying that the audience should have know she is acting. like seriously, if that is the case why is it not mentioned anywhere. if she is an actress why doesn't she make that clear. her audience is mainly kids, they don't know if she is lying, acting or being genuine. why does she lets everyone live under the impression that this all is real. Also every comment in her previous shorts is sympatzing with her breakups and stuff and now when she is suddenly saying she is an ACTOR everybody is acting like this is ok. No its not if your channel is about these stupid[ who the heck uses their grandpa's funeral for skits] acts then you should mention that and not gaslight your viewers. have a mind of your own just beacuse she makes a video TELLING THE TRUTH doesnt mean you should suddenly believe everything


I can tell that she’s mustered a lot of courage to be able to tell all of the truth like this. I really appreciate lala for being so honest. After all this is something that really requires so much thought and you’ve done the absolute right thing posting this video. I just hope we can all be careful with our words coz we never know how it can hurt someone ✨


There is exaggerating and outright lying like pretending your dad is cheating on your mother or he might be, that along with "randomly" meeting New York guy etc. who you were in this video felt real and it was nice to see that being said you only talked about 40% of what people are wanting to know is real or is it fake. Me personally you "exaggerating" or blasting your dad for potentially cheating made me unfollow you. I'm not announcing my departure because it honestly means anything, more so it's to convey there are some things that shouldn't be lied about.