Hello I have a restaurant and I am trying to setup limit dishes by section. For example: customer for Bowl section can choose 1 entree and 1 Side, for the second section Plate, customer can choose 2 entrees 1 Side. And so on. They're 10 entrees in total for 3 sections.
I have been using Wix quite a long time. Although it’s fairly easy user friendly I don’t recommend it for the following reasons. - No immediate support when you have urgent issues. You can only send emails and submit ticket. - Clients can’t properly give tips. They have to unlock the tip option each time they pay AND sometimes it disappears from the order when you get the final page confirmation. In theses times, tips help a lot get through this event.
can you make a video where you actually finish setting up a menu... and actually placing an order. It'd be nice to see what kind of options these online ordering apps can offer
Very helpful video. Thank you! Is there a way to make wix tip control expanded by default? (the default is collapsed and customers can miss adding tips to our drivers)
great video! can this online ordering integrate with the POS system that the restaurant already uses? Also where does the order go for the kitchen to see if a POS can not be integrated? Do orders go to the Wix app and if so does the wix app show new orders or would an employee have to keep checking?
Dude! You are a God sent angel of mercy. Thank you so much for putting up this crazy informative video. I am finally able to set up my online ordering at a time when it is a literal life line. Now I can move on to leaning how to intergrate my website with my POS. Thank you!!!
I've started with Wix on newspapers delivery service and struggling to find an app to make a different choices for potential customers, like delivery days to choose next to the product - product list and next to each product, option to tick from 7 days of the week. Please help. Huge fan of your vids.
Thank you for creating this, it's super helpful. I have a friend who just opened a cafe in our town a month ago...and online ordering will really help her at this time. I'm wondering, can the orders be managed from the Wix app on a phone? Or would they need to have the full site up/in view to monitor orders? Thanks kindly for your time, I have learned so much from your videos and am eager to find and help my first web design client! Wix seems like the way to go!
How can one add multiple online ordering forms (i.e. a website that works with 2-3 different restaurants and needs to upload separate menus and ordering for each restaurant)? Also, is there a way to split the "order" part from the "payment" part? I.e. the site visitor orders their items first but they are not immediately re-directed to pay or enter delivery/pick-up details. Instead the site owner decides if they will accept the order and THEN payment can be processed by the visitor separately. Is that possible?
Hi thanks for your video. I have a question, after customer placed their orders online, and they request to change order (edit/add/remove items) or we have items out of stock and would like to replace items for customer, how do i do it? I can't find any button or options to do it, your help is very much appreciated, thank you
This app is great, however, it's weird to ask to go for full screen and connect to wix restaurant website, while using mobile version.
Thank you so much for this video, i am a small japanese Restaurant owner in Australia and i appreciate this video so very much so i can set up a order online on my Wix website.
hi, thanks for your time doing this video! I emailed wix support with a question but they didn't reply. 8 days have passed now... I am setting up a website for a client, they cook and delivery their food(no eat in or pick up). My question is: Their delivery time is 9am till 12pm but if I set that time on the wix settings, people will only be able to order on that time frame. we would like to set allow orders 24h/7 because we will only work on a order in advance basis. Any way I could do this? if not, would you suggest any work around? Thank you so much!
love to see more in depth video how to set up on website
Hello. So I have my website built and added Wix restaurants. Everything is going fine except my site navigation bar does not show up on mobile. It shows up on all the other pages except restautants. Any suggestions or know what Im doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Hello i have a question. If I have different availability for different food products, with this six module am I able to set a time availability for each product?
Awesome content! Gonna reach out to see if my local restaurants need help setting this up. What resources/how did you learn all this about wix?
Hello, i am having trouble trying to set up an order online page on my wix website. Basically what I would like is to add an order form, with the different products i am selling and I just want my customers to see their total amount and click order. I will then send them an email with my bank details to make the transfer.. I don't want them to pay on the website...How can I do that on wix without having to pay something else????
I enjoyed the video. Very helpful. Unfortunately I have not figured out how to rename or delete the menu section and individual dishes if they are not still being offered. Cheers.