
I love how Harry's giving Snape that dirty look all like "see I told you I didn't steal from your storage."


Ok, but can we talk about the real Moody's first words to Dumbledore being "I'm sorry, Albus". Man was kidnapped, tortured and imprisoned in a literal trunk, and his first thought upon being freed is to apologize to his friend for seemingly letting him down. Shows both Moodys character, as well as how close he and Dumbledore truly are.


I really LOVE the fact that Severus is right besides Dumbledore in almost every serious situation. It really shows how much Dumbledore trusts and respects Severus.


I like how Expelliarmus is 50% a disarming spell and 50% a getouttatheway ex machina.


I love how mcgonagall snape and dumbledore are so protective with Harry.


I love how pissed Snape is here at Crouch. Stealing from his stores, helping Voldemort return. And this is the same night he had to go to Voldemort and start the double agent act.


fun fact: the man who plays mad eye, brendan gleeson, is the father of domhnall gleeson, the guy who plays bill weasley


can we talk about the look Harry gave Snape at 2.28-2.30? like 'See, you jerk? it wasn't me'


Moody seriously deserved a second chance at being Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The first time wasn't even him.


Still better than umbridge


This is one of the most intense scenes in the books. This is the first time we see Dumbledore, not as the kind old man Harry had grown to know, but indeed the most powerful wizard in the world who is incredibly angry that an evil person had taken one of his students.


RIP Dame Maggie Smith (December 28, 1934 – September 27, 2024), aged 89
RIP Sir Michael Gambon (October 19, 1940 – September 27, 2023), aged 82
RIP Alan Rickman (February 21, 1946 – January 14, 2016), aged 69
You will be remembered as legends


Barty Crouch Jr: I'll be welcomed back as a hero!
Dumbledore: Perhaps. Personally I've never had much time for heroes.
Spends the entire next year ignoring Harry
He wasn't lying.


Reward him for killing Harry? Voldemort wants nothing more than end his life completely on his own. I think he'd kill Barty right on the spot if he did.


2:28 I love how Harry looks at Snape like, “I think you owe me a big apology”.


This movie made me realise how good of an actor David Tennant is


Dumbledore: Now we'll see who Moody really is!
GASP "Barty Crouch Jr"
Barty: And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids!


Despite David Tennant only making a small appearance he got one ofthe best lines in the entire series


Dumbledore should've just shoved him to the wall and been all like "Moody, did you put Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire?!"


Moody´s actor was phenomenal on this scene.