“Just feck off” classic.
Pat Mustard is single handely responsible for half the population of Craggy Island
“He’s was just asking could he put his massive tool in my box” 😂
The amount of jokes here that went over my head as a kid 💀
God I miss these people. I wish it was possible to have them all back on the island doing their thing. RIP to too many of the cast.
RIP Pat Laffan. A gas man, a great actor and gentil cricketer.
Mrs Doyle's cackling laugh is a howl. 😂
Every episode of Father Ted is great, but this one is the greatest.
He's absolutely hilarious. The theme tune, moves and the comedy line " funeral, my last girlfriend she died from exhaustion". I was crippled with laughter. Nice one mate 😀😀😉
Definitely one of the best episodes
The music when he walks in lives rent free in my brain
This was surely the best episode of Father Ted, absolutely brilliant 😀
I worked on the cabs for a while and there were a number of Pat Mustard types in that trade.
This was a hilarious episode, Pat Mustard should have been in more episodes.
Pat Lannin , awesome. Flipping hilarious 😆
God love this episode so funny. Pat Mustard went too soon.
The anguish look on Mrs Doyle's face when she thinks pat doesn't recognize her is priceless 😂😂😂😂😂