
I was gonna say this was such a classic episode but they all are


“Just feck off” classic.


Pat Mustard is single handely responsible for half the population of Craggy Island


“He’s was just asking could he put his massive tool in my box” 😂


The amount of jokes here that went over my head as a kid 💀


God I miss these people. I wish it was possible to have them all back on the island doing their thing. RIP to too many of the cast.


RIP Pat Laffan. A gas man, a great actor and gentil cricketer.


Mrs Doyle's cackling laugh is a howl. 😂


Every episode of Father Ted is great, but this one is the greatest.


He's absolutely hilarious. The theme tune, moves and the comedy line " funeral,  my last girlfriend she died from exhaustion". I was crippled with laughter. Nice one mate 😀😀😉




Definitely one of the best episodes


The music when he walks in lives rent free in my brain


This was surely the best episode of Father Ted, absolutely brilliant 😀


I worked on the cabs for a while and there were a number of Pat Mustard types in that trade.


This was a hilarious episode, Pat Mustard should have been in more episodes.


Pat Lannin , awesome. Flipping hilarious 😆




God love this episode so funny. Pat Mustard went too soon.


The anguish look on Mrs Doyle's face when she thinks pat doesn't recognize her is priceless 😂😂😂😂😂