
"One galaxy please"
Waiter: okay sir, just wait a few billion years


Conclusion: we are being cooked


Thank you kurzgesagt, I have been planning to cook a galaxy for the family reunion. This surely will help alot!


the type of content i get when i search up ‘easy crafts to do less than 10 mins’:


Let him cook!


‘Stanley decided to go through the door on his left’


Waiter, I asked for my galaxies served spiral, not irregular!


Thank you so much, this tutorial was really helpful and descriptive, my galaxy turned out amazing, five stars.


Type 7 civilization dish


Average type 5 Civilization meal:


Thank you for this great recipe! It worked great when I tried it!


Thanks I’ve been cooking planets but I needed a galaxy recipe for our Christmas dinner!


"What kind of galaxy you'd like?"

"Elliptical. Put extra blackhole and don't put any neutron stars in it."


"Hey Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!"


My science project this year is gonna be lit 🔥


man caseoh is gonna love this dish


"–Uh, can I get one planet of wood?"

"–Sir, This is McBlackholes"


Everyone keeps saying "we're cooked" but no one ever asks how we're cooked


This is actually a extremely creative way of telling us of how the galaxy is formed


Thank you for the recipe! The galaxy was delicious!