Honestly I was worried about Satsuki after the absolute popularity of Mesmerizer. He was a small producer, and even after winning the song contest for Project Sekai, he's still relatively unknown. Then Mesmerizer came and changed everything. Suddenly he is a big, popular producer worldwide. I can imagine how much happiness and pressure he felt, and this song literally confirms it. I am so glad this song ends in a good note. That's right, Satsuki, please make any song that you enjoy! Even if some people end up leaving, there will always be some loyal fans who stay! We'll look forward to your songs from now on!
0:16 お互いを見て「これって食べていいのかな?」みたいに目配せしてるの「みんなと一緒がいい」という流行を表しているような感じがして好きです
衣装がシェフなのに食べる側になってて矛盾してるのに違和感ないの、これが「実は、見かけの映えだけ意識していれば、味はどうだっていいらしい。」 か…
成功した後とか褒められた後とか、期待されてる時が1番怖いよね。 いつ失望されるのかを真っ先に考えてしまって逃げたくなる 素直に喜べたら良いのに...
1:06 ここのテトの「また同じ味を捧ぐ奴隷」が高音で狂おしい程好き 一生ループしたい
I really really like this song!! To me, it's all about 32ki's fear of peaking with Mesmerizer. Food imagery is used as a metaphor for his music, and the title, "Obsolete Meat", encapsulates his fear of "falling off" and become obsolete after Mesmerizer. The story of the music video reads to me like this: Miku and Teto start off eating small but good quality food. Things like burger, steak, and curry rice, that are substantial meals. This represents 32ki's music pre-Mesmerizer, how he was a less known producer with a small but dedicated fanbase, making music he felt proud of. Then, before the first chorus, they get a giant feast. There's lots of food here of even higher quality, and they eat it more ravenously than anything else. They can't get enough of this meal. This part represents Mesmerizer and the sudden, unexpected explosion in popularity it received. After the first chorus, Miku and Teto are stuffed from their enjoyment of the big feast. But then, they're handed another menu and asked to keep eating. They seem hesitant, and for the second verse, all the food they eat is low quality junk food. When they're given the same small but quality meals like those from the first verse, like the fried egg and the omelette rice, they react negatively and don't even touch it. Finally, they get up to leave the restaurant. This segment is 32ki's fear of his future career; he feels pressured to continue the hype from Mesmerizer, to try and replicate its success in ways he feels would be shallow and low quality. And if he tries to go back to the kinds of music he made before, nobody would actually want it or care about it. Then, they're pulled back into the restaurant by Akita Neru, who expects them to keep eating no matter what. To me, Neru in this song represents the Mesmerizer fandom that's blown largely beyond 32ki. All the "Neru is the mastermind" memes and theories that have effectively been canonized. She is the fan response to Mesmerizer, and the fans who just want more Mesmerizer and nothing else. But I think it's worth noting that 32ki doesn't seem bitter or resentful of these fans. When we next see Neru, she looks innocently happy and excited, even though Miku and Teto are reaching their limit of food. It's a small detail, but it's important to note to convey that this song isn't some kind of hate message towards Mesmerizer fans. Its success changed 32ki's life, and he's obviously grateful to everyone who made it possible. This is a song about his own perceived anxieties for what the next step after such a big song could be. And of course, it ends with Miku and Teto passing out, completely overstuffed. There's no official translation yet, so I don't want to look too closely at the lyrics, but here's a few select lines I could decipher from machine translations that help hammer this reading of the song home: "Every time a new meal is served, nostalgia wells up from somewhere It's the same move every year. That's what makes me so full." "So, for example. In a few years, if the spotlight is shining somewhere else, will you still be by my side at that time?" "We are on the extension line of fashion and fad, and decay. Before the expiration date has passed, it's quickly thrown away, and the 'next order' is placed..." "If you keep eating imitations, you'll get tired of the same taste. Soon you'll be sick of this place too, so after you've eaten as much as you like, put your hands together and say thank you for the meal." That final line makes me feel that this is ultimately a hopeful song. 32ki is going to continue making the music he wants, even if it costs him his popularity. "Put your hands together and say thank you for the meal"-- he hopes the fanbase he gained through Mesmerizer will stay, but even if they don't, he's happy that he was able to satisfy them with at least one song. All of this interpretation is subject to change once there's official English lyrics, and perhaps once I see other people's thoughts and theories as well! I just wanted to record my first thoughts. Thank you for reading!
1:02 ミクもテトもネギ受け取ったりパン投げたりしてる時だけ真顔で、踊ってるときの顔と明らかに違うけどこれは「踊ればバズるからおどってる」「こういうのが貴方達は見たいんでしょ」って感じで踊ってるからなのかな…って思ってしまった。
watching the music video of the song, not only the lyrics talks about not sticking with the trends forever (mesmerizer) but also to note that miku and teto as a duo, and satsuki can't be forever be known only for mesmerizer. the mv shows miku and teto first enjoying the food, but eventually they wanna leave but they're given another set of dishes, and tried to leave but forced back in. its like a way of saying miku and teto wanting to move on for their day but neru (representing the people that love these two as the mesmerizer duo) wants them to stay on screen to entertain people that wants them to do smth similar to mesmerizer again. even tho at first i wasnt able to understand the lyrics, the mv spoke for the song itself
I think this song is about the popularity of mesmerizer, and how 32ki doesn't want to make "new mesmerizers" forever. The lyrics seem to be talking about trends, and the line "following in the footsteps of your own success" makes it feel even more like the song is in fact about mesmerizer. i think this is a common thing for many creators too. One thing goes viral, and then it defines your existence on the internet. I think the lesson to learn from this is to let people get popular, but not call everything they make a new version of their most popular creation. EDIT: PLEASE STOP I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS
ただの考察だがサツキさんの心情をかいてるんやろなと 「ある一品を境に」→メズマライザー 「偏食趣向の神様に」→世間とか視聴者? 「流行りの廃りの延長線に」→流行りが終わったらすぐ次の曲を求めるとか とりあえずミクテトかわいい
ミクテトが何か食べようとするたびにお互いの様子をチラ見してるのは 「この使い方いいよね?炎上とかはしないよね?皆の内の「二次創作のひとつ」になれてるよね?」みたいな現代SNSの「他人と一緒でありたい」「とりあえず他の人の出方を伺いたい」的なあれなんじゃないかなって思えて来た
2:16 前回なぜかネタにされたネル入れてくんの好き あと今回の絵柄マジで好き。
3:23 ここミクちゃんがダウンするのを確認してからテトさんもダウンしてるの流石過ぎる