
dating the neo nazi ex girlfriend of my son-nephew-grandson


Dating Augustus Gloop’s friend is such a power move


i think the problematic age gap applies more to her dating your underage nephew…


Best advice you’ll ever get: If she questions you, tell her that you are the Alpha and that you rule over the relationship. I don’t exactly know what women are like because I’ve never seen one in person but I just know this will work.


Adolf is a popular Polish girl’s name, it means “messenger of peace”


did the orb pull her in from another reality


The orb was unkind with this one


adolf potentially being a trans girl ("was in a position to pick her own name") is rocking me to my core


This is one of the more unfortunate universes 💀


Adolf is such a beautiful name, but as a Jew it kind of rings a bell for me..


Oh, Danny boy. Danny, Danny, Dan Dan Dan boooy... Oh goodness Dan... Oh my......




I cant believe he got with his deceased grandson son nephew's doomer internet girlfriend.


the eyebrow situation is haunting


Dan finally found a human with the potential to be more horrid than he is. I'm expecting this to be the new antagonist of the Hentschel multiverse.



Reminds me of that tragedy


I'm putting aside all my plans today for all the new Dan


3 videos in a day? We are blessed guys!


The shaved eyebrows just makes this 10x better 😂


It’s okay Dan, the alt right are known for being very loving and accepting people