Not nobody realizing she ate a different one😭
Like how yours was yellow and hers was clear 👌🏻
She dose not even care That’s true love ❤
The way he looked at her and thought to himself “yup, she’s the one”
The gag and choking noises from Alex makes me lmaof 😂
She ate that no reaction😂 Y’all are so cute 😂❤
His one was yellow and hers was transparent. It's a Joke 😀
Not no one noticing it wasn’t the one he spit out🤣
THE WAY SHE JUST LOOKS BACK AT HIM 💀💀 y’all are my favorite people 🫠
I luv her attitude ♥️♥️
Her cute innocent look at the end 😂🥰
Bruh I'm the same. Love the energy.
They we’re different but that was so cute 😊
I love Micheal in the background
His reaction: he knew she was the one for sure forever.
Michael in the background🤣🤣🤣
🤣🤣🤣it the way y’all’s faces looked for me 🤣🤣🤣
I don't know what is funnier. Alex stareing at her, or her staring at him after just simply swallowing it after alex choked on it.