My dad just passed in February, my mom has been having a massive battle with trying to fight against the hospital that caused his death... she is in therapy for the first time in her 60 years of being alive. She is on disability and gets only 800 a month from the state.... she has been getting pushed to the ground left and right. It breaks my heart because I can't even afford anything being a broke college student relying on grants. This song breaks my heart because I won't even be able to see my Dad cry or give me away at my wedding. May you both always be blessed to have eachother and continue to be a positive impact to your family and friends.
This song is such a beautiful one
My mom passed when i was 8 & knowing she’ll never be at my wedding & hearing this song means so much
I lost my dad 2 years ago..hurts everyday but I'm so glad he got to walk me down the isle❤ this song is beautiful I sing it often
May they rest in peace and I’m sure they’re look at you from above cheering you on through everything. God bless❤❤❤
I am from the Philippines and just heard your song. It makes me cry everytime I listen to it. Sorry for my wrong grammar❤ you saved so many people. Thank you for this!! Everytime I listen to your song it makes me feel complete and gives me hope everyday I woke up❤ thank you so much! Godbless you
I still have both my parents but this song makes me feel all sorts of emotions ❤❤❤. My daughter loves this song too
Oh My Lord !! I was just thinking exactly about this n boom u came with the song..God Bless ya.
Alex is so underrated like holy he is so talented
They’ll be watching from above sooo so proud of you!!!! ❤❤❤ p.s. I love this song!!!!❤❤❤❤
God bless Brody. Ion know what that pain feels like. I only grew up without a pops. I know how that messed me up. You a strong individual G.
I've watched a lotta ur videos and this one made me cry
I’m sorry for your loss but there definitely do proud of you and watching you from heaven
😢😢 this song is amazing hits in the core
They might not be there in person to see your wedding, but they are up in heaven watching you ❤
Amen ❤ this morning I had another dream of my late grandpa Bob and other relatives. We were all back in the McDowell home again and I got to look in his eyes and hug him like I was a little girl again curling up in his lap and tell him that I missed him so much. I didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to stay. I want to go back home and be there with all the family. ❤😢😢 He was a very talented man who lived many full lives. He left a legacy that hundreds of thousands were proud of. This song is timely.
They will see the wedding because they are always watching over you❤
Thank you so much for the beautiful song ❤ I love all your music but this one hit hard. My grandma passed of breast cancer when my mom was only 18 so I never got to meet her. My grandpa passed when I was 2 from natural causes so I don’t remember him. My other grandpa died of a stroke when I was 2 also. My only living grandparent, my other grandma has a very bad case of dementia so it feels like she’s not really here with me either because she’s just not the same. My grandma that passed of breast cancer would always say there’s gonna be no empty seats in Heaven and my mom always says that saying to this day. So this song really hit me right here➡️❤ Love you and your music!
We all know that at they are looking down and are so proud of you, and all that you have and will accomplish wishing you the best