Cute items! Look forward to that tree going up🎄
The glass ornaments are beautiful. They will really sparkle on your tree.
Can you please do a video of you staining the trees. I was thinking about staining mines as well
Finally you can start your decorating for Christmas I can feel your excitement ! Glass ornaments exquisite !
Good morning Sarah, The hearth and hand line is very nice. Of course my target is as lame as ever. Sorry to say. The Studio McGee there was about 7 items, the rest was fall items. I can’t wait to see how you bring the woven trees back to life 🌲🌲🌲
Love ur styling. I always try n see what u pick up or order and go from there. I agree with u that u can use what u have n add to it.
Sarah, I too tried buying those H & H glass ornaments when the collection dropped. Now there’s so many in stock in stores here in NC. Love your style!
Love it laughlovelylangella
Can’t wait to see the first decorating video! 🎄
Yessss, get the scalloped cardholder this year!!! Thanks for the shout out 😊
We went to Target this week also. I was so disappointed. They were just putting things out and didn’t have much to see. We drove an hour just to be disappointed. I did get a few items after I got home on line but as you said , a lot of items were out of stock already. They are so behind all the other stores we shopped at.
I got both SM plates, and they weren’t broken…love them.
I went to my local Target and oh my gaaaaaaaaahd they still had their Fall/Halloween decor up. My Target is setup differently in that Studio McGee actually gets the bigger space and we only get one aisle of Hearth and Hand. When I went, most of the the Hearth and Hand were setup. They still had plastic covers on the stems and stuff (idk if that was normal). But the McGee side were half Fall and half Christmas.
Thank you for sharing your haul~ I am SOOO tired of Target’s horrible shipping! Two of three items were shattered. Another box of person hygiene had two opened bottles of body wash all over everything else 😡😡
I'm glad you showed the woven trees, I've been trying to decide if I should order them. I like your idea of staining them too! Looking forward to your decorating 😊
The fall ‘24 Hearth and Hand line was also an absolute mess! I could go on and on about the horrible experience I had, but this comment would be too long! It pissed me off so much, by the time their Christmas line rolled around, I didn’t even feel like messing with it again. And it sounds like I made a good decision because I heard it was also a mess! I’m just gonna go to my store and whatever is there that I like, I will pick up. I’m so over all of the confusion of shopping online for Hearth and Hand. Not to mention, I end up setting my alarm for crazy hours in the middle of the night just to purchase a few items.. it’s freakin ridiculous! It’s too bad because I love Hearth and Hand but personally, I’m over it!
Hey Sarah, I had to grab those glass ornaments too. I grabbed 2 packs and a couple each of the ones that open up and they double bell you got also. I feel her Christmas stuff is so classic. Oh and that rolling pin I missed last year. Can’t wait for your decorating videos. I’m starting too, I got my hands on the queen duchess!!! Yay!
I 100% agree with target shipping! So many things come broken I just recently bought two gold little houses and both shattered and packed the same way as your plate ugh. Looking forward to seeing how those trees turn out!
Hey Sarah! I also grabbed the wicker trees. And the bell H&H wall art. Was hoping to get my hands on the SM cloth napkins since I’m doing some dark red this year. I already have my tree up 🫣(not decorated) bought it for my birthday last week and I fluffed it to perfection so I couldn’t put it back in the box lol