Once i was a Hindu. But 2 years ago i accepted islam. Now i'm a happiest person in the world Alhamdulillah. May Allah protect me all kinds of devil Ameen
I am born Muslim, I live Muslim, Almighty Allah willing I will die as a Muslim. La ilaha ellAllahu Muhammadur Rasul Ullah.
I am orthodox serbian and been reading the Quran and have been drawn to Islam through a friend I hope one day to take the shahada 🥺😭
I am new Muslim .This songs give me hopes in my life when I am down.
I was born a Christian but l found light in lslam, Mashallah ❤
Pray for Palestine 🇯🇴 and Kashmir🍁
Ramadan Kareem Mubarakan ✨❤️
As a irish catholic man. Liveing in ireland. I find this very beatiful. God bless muslim brothers and sisters. Stand together. Much love.
I'm a Christian but I can't explain how much I'm in love with this song. It touches my soul.
i was a christian too but i converted to islam and i feel at peace to be honest Alhamdulilah
I'm Buddhist but I love this nasheed ♥ Masha'Allah 💕 ﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲﷲ
Im a revert and have become addicted listening to nasheeds that I naturally began to dislike music. I used to be addicted to music very attached to it. nasheeds had made me become a peaceful and a calmer person. music made me depressed!
I am not well. Pray for my well-being. Stay blessed everyone.
Whenever I listen to this one, I become more and more productive! Alhamdulilah.
I was born a Christian, i lived with a misbeliever, and now i am a simple Muslim guy and I have 18 years old.🤲☝🏻
I am a Christian and I am in a phase of seeking the truth... And I hope and pray that whatever the way my Creator has destined for me to walk on, I'll quickly recognise that way and be true to it. Thankyou for this beautiful song, it reminds me to be grateful each day
I m from Indian occupied Kashmir Pray for our brothers who are fighting for the sake of Allah"
Literally, whenever I hear this Nasheed it feel like I'm hearing it first time. Never get Bored ❤️ Allahu Akbar
Im a norwegian christian, im listening to nasheeds everyday to fall asleep. Im now reading The Holy Quran. Im tempted to go visit my local mosque, Im very curious about Islam. Is taking the shahada for me? May Allah, peace be upon him guide me..