
9:29 hormones HRT. 
10:54 estrogen 
12:26 menopause 
13:16 survival 
15:44 hormones - optimal status 
17:00 skin 
19:46 types of estrogen 
21:40 insulin resistance 
22:30 leaky gut 
23:00 estriol 
23:35 breast cancer 
24:28 supporting the skin 
27:00 androgens 
28:00 collagen 
28:50 elastin 
29:48 skin healing 
30:20 healing.  Blood flow.  Estrogen healing 
31:46 pigment.  Skin cancer. Hair follicle.  Hair growing phrase 
33:28 veins 
33:58 different forms of estrogen.   HRT. MHT.  
35:40 optimum health 
37:00 maintain cells.  
37:48 uterus 
41:00 skin application hormones 
42:35 vagina 
45:00 skin health
47:22 testing
48:00 nutrients.  Diet.  Fibre.  Sleep.   Food.   Air.   Water.  Lifestyle.


Thank you for letting her talk and very minimal interruptions!


Great interview. I learned more about Dr Gersh. I’m excited to hear there may be an additional estrogen hormone in the near future to help more women. I’ve been taking estradiol for almost half a year now. After I doubled the dose (spray) I feel so much better, it’s amazing. Very noticeable: Hair, brain, skin, stomach, legs, back, knees, feet, energy, sleep.


I.  Love Dr Gersh, she explains a LOT!! 😂


Dr Gersh is a very compassionate doctor. I’ve learnt so much from her interviews.


Thank you, ladies. Great interview! I felt like I was in medical school 🙌 Please, keep spreading this information. Knowledge is power.


This is brilliant- what a wise woman Dr. Gersh truly is. Great interview. Thank you for facilitating it so well.


Great interview- both interviewer and interviewee! Thank you!


She’s amazing, she explains everything so well. Wish we had doctors like this in UK


Fantastic.  Wish all doctors were like you.  So smart and logical.


Dr. Gersh is outstanding! Thank you for having her as your guest ❤️


Thanks for all the great info!!


this was soooo helpful to me - thank you so much! 🙏❤️


Felice is SOOO GOOD❤🎉


Helpful thank you!


So detailed & informative


Dr. Gersh is amazing!


Since my science brain loves details to understand what’s behind the curtain, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr. Gersh’s approach.  Thank you!

Even though my hormone doctor explained everything to me, having Dr. Gersh be aligned with my doctor is awesome.

Enjoyable podcast!!  Thank you. 😊 ❤


Dr Gersh clearly explained estrogens. I’ve been on a hormonal rollercoaster for 51 years starting with a cancer- induced hysterectomy on my 19th birthday, to Premarin for 2 decades, then my primary care provider taking me 100% off estrogen because it was a cancer risk, but then I started getting new problems like thyroid, inflammation, osteoporosis (which I since reversed to osteopenia) and other gynecological issues. Now, my new 😢gynecologist put me back on estrogen , saying I should never had been taken off it — but only low dose. 
I wonder if Dr Girsh has different suggestions for those with early surgical menopause vs typical menopause.  I appreciate her attitude on whole health & lifestyle.


Dr Gersh, I will likely come by your office to get your help. 🎉