
can’t wait to see everyone doing Cory’s routine hahaha


kina is so funny corry is like introverted sass and then RJ is a whole vibe I love this family so much I lowkey want a family like this


Cor: I'm gonna drown myself in the sink 😩
RJ: You can't. I tried 😁


Cory being SO DONE of the morning routine and saying "gotta change the lock" KILLED ME😂 (I love em)


1:04 “you silly billy! Get your ass up” I can’t with RJ😭😂


13:50 'i get coffee first thing in the morning cuz its a reward for waking up' got me rolling on the floor 🤣💀


RJ: we haven't even finished the block

cor points to the floor
COR: isn't this a block?? 



Coryy is such a vibe 
Like literally...he is the sass but like introverted sass
And broo ....I love rj,jalin,kina and cory
I have a freaking exam tmrw but here I am seeing this


3:54 It's my first time seeing Cor talk like this 😂


Cory is the vibe and literally my spirit animal 😂

5:34 they all are so done with this entire routine 😂😂


COR COR just might be the funniest and possibly my spirit animal!!


16:30 yesss please can’t wait to see kina’s and cory’s versions ❤


Cory's personality literally outshined everyone in this video, in the most relatable and cutest way 😂


RJ : expectations ✨
Others: reality (especially Cory)


the sibling relationship heals me im gonna fail my social exam but its worth it.


This should be a series. They should try out each siblings daily routine and pick the best one!


For the first time in my life 😂 I'm seeing these 3 actually acting like younger siblings.


1:55 "The verticality go carzy" I can't with rj 😭


cory is so cute when he wakes up, that bed hair is just too adorable and he was all rolled curled up like a baby


So this is the secret to his bubbly personality. He has such a positive outlook on life.