
Kefine Delci was accidently cut out lol
It's a good IEM overall. It's not a blind buy because it's quite bassy and warm, but overall good IEM.


Really should’ve mentioned the nozzle size on the “Zero: Red” 
That alone stops it from being a blind buy for a lot of people


Kiwi Ears Cadenza will always be a cult classic. Cheap and pleasant sound.


Gate is a blind buy just for the cable, especially when they're on sale for 17$ and you can look at the iem as a free gift that comes bundled in.


I agree with the list overall. There are some sets that I have not yet heard though. The only set I disagree on is the Kiwi ears Cadenza. While they are not a stand out set I find them to be very decent especially for their price point. I am slightly treble sensitive and the treble on them doesn't bother me. However I do find the treble on the Wan'er to be harsh only on certain sounds with the stock eartips. I use them with foam tips and that really makes them sing! Great video by the way. It's very helpful.


Personally the hexa is a great iem sound wise. For me the treble is quite enjoyable but it is definitely understandable when it is described as boring as that tuning do be pretty flat comparatively tho a lil tweak with some eq can add some nice punch. For me the default sound is still great


The Salnotes Zero isn't a skip. While the Zero 2 sounds a bit bassy, the Zero's sound neurtal and some people might prefer that.


Crazy that the $19 all metal body construction Chu 2 isn't a blind buy.


The Cadenza has exceptional bass and is my favorite iem in my collection over things like the Fiio FD5 or the Letshuoer Z12.


Kiwi ears cadenza super unfair for it to be a skip 😭 it has many good qualities


Thank you for regularly updating this list as every second month a new IEM is coming out. :)




Hexa blind buy. Can eq them to every wild sound signature you desire and the default is really nice aswell.


Thank you so much! Really helped me narrow down my choices.


10:35 What the name of the ending song


Hexa when under $80 blind buy for me


I bought the Delci recently and also grabbed a KZ ZVX just to try out...I honestly think I like the ZVX the most between the two.


I just got the Letshuoer S12 for about $122 after tax, I’m using it right now and it’s pretty dang good, feels quality.


What Timmy actually meant to say is the Kefine Delci, Kiwi Ears Cadenza, and Celest Wyvern Abyss are all 3 blind buys. There I fixed it. You're welcome.


Blon bl 03 is still good and will be for the time to come. They are very easy to recommend and listen to. Deserves a blind buy