
I gotta tell you, man, I love this design. As I prep to replace my outfeed table/workbench, I am binging on workbench videos. And you check more boxes than most others. Affordable? Check! Good looking bench? Check! Flat top? Check! Lots of storage? Check!


I love when people paint their shop furniture. Feels like a complete idea, and a way of honoring your time and the materials used.


This is a very nice workbench, and I think painting it was a great addition as well.


I used the parf guide to make very accurate dog holes.  And I use it as a giant square rail with tracksaw.  Or use it to push work items in to perfect square.  It's actually been an incredible addition to my tiny little shop.  In fact, I used the parfguide to make my sled.  Lining up everything to be square was effortless.  I should make a video on that.  One of these days.  But @13:23 that is such a time saving idea.  LOVE IT.  I'll have to incorporate that in my next build.


seen others putting small drawers in the top part, below the holed top, so they can easily grab back nails and nuts and washers falling in the holes, and easily clean up the dust and wood shavings falling down


8:00 surprised you weren't wearing a mask while cutting the MDF. Stay well.


This was great, Scott . I already have a workbench but this video makes me want to build this one. Really like how you painted it. Certainly adds something extra. Great job!


I haven’t seen plans I’m willing to pay for, until now. What makes it seem worth it is learning how to build decent drawers without hardware. Thanks for this!


Always a big fan of your content Scott - You've billed this as a more "beginner" workbench but I think it also goes a long way to reminding us veterans of the hobby that sometimes it's good to take a step back and re-evaluate what's actually important. I like your ultra simple design and the fact that it's a reasonable/cheap option. I'm building a new bench here in a few weeks and while it'll be a fair bit larger than this one, there are a lot of good takeaways from this video I'll keep note of for that build!


Scott Walsh.. Another awesome build. I don't know if I can pull it off but I might try it. I definitely need a good work/assembly bench.


This is my first exposure to your channel and may I say you put together a VERY good clip. Nice build!


the bees wax tip for the drawers is a great one.


As I was watching you round over your drawer fronts I thought that maybe if you put a port for a vacuum on the area you closed off under the top you could have a nice sanding station that would control some of the dust blowing around.


It's going to be a while before I have somewhere to build a work bench, and when I do I'll be building in metric .. but this is very nice and direct for someone who mostly knows how to build house frames. Thank you.


With regard to cutting those additional half-laps (starting near 4 min)... first, great idea, clamping the two end segments to cut at the same time, very smart. But I think what might work well is to do the kerf cutting, then knock out the stuff, then use the router for the final clean-out (instead of chisel). Best of both worlds, I think.


A very nice work bench. I had built a small work bench myself similar to your way of thinking, though I built it out of old bed frames. I took ALL of the staples out of the bed frames and built the small work bench from the design I had that were in my mind. Measure TWICE cut once was all I needed to remember and it worked out really good. And yes the small work bench does have a shelf.


Excellent work, sir! Definitely going to purchase the course.


Just about build my own workbench and had settled on a simliar design so this is great timing. Thanks for the great content!


I had a nice laugh at "three inches square, which is a nice round number".


I really like your design on the shop table.