Instead of Gallagher, I used HMC with DDD & went Sustain-less for the 1st time in MOC. Didn't expect that I'd survive it🤧🥹. Took me 3 cycles. Boothill is the goat<( ̄︶ ̄)>
Everyone: HP INFLATION! Boothill: Bang!
guns n' roses my goats!! 🪦🌹
4:32 11:05 Dude, you failed... TWICE lmao
Btw you can ignore the elite next to the bug, when the bug dies it kills the elite too. I saw the bug exploded for 1 million once lmao, swarm dps goes hard.
Devs: this MOC will be tailored more towards multi target dps teams. Boothill: Fork that.
Argenti hyper is really one of my favourite teams
the almost 100% RM ult uptime makes me happy😄
No way mrpokke infected this man with his 1% aeon curse 😭
1% gang 💪
That boothill team is my second team and I did the same here and Acheron aprkle adventuine JQ on the strife side, they haven’t failed me yet,.
4:32 is it just me or is there really no super break in this atk? or maybe it's bcs the toughness reduction is so small it barely does any super break dmg?
Man I need fugue rerun NOW
4:33 FAIYAH!!!!! 🔫
lmao bro miss the slowmo twice
2:26 ай посхалочко
Very nice gameplay bro ❤❤
700k damage??? Holy moly Even my firefly can't deal that high