
I like how they only showed Alex’s room because his is the only actually nice room xx


If a few more months to a year:
Why Tiktok died...
Why I left the Hype House
Why I don't talk to the Hype House crew...
The truth about the Hype House...


This might be the most awkward group of people I’ve ever seen😂 they don’t even seem like they like each other lmfao. And you’d think they would clean up if they knew their house was going to be filmed


Daisy: Talks to the camera...

Avani: Laughs awkwardly


This perfectly shows the result of putting a bunch of KIDS that are way too young to take care of a house into a Villa.


“What happens if they lose their clout” uh they’re kids. They go home? What do you mean?


Avani literally didn’t talk once she only laughed lol


This is the wall... The ceiling is right here... I’m standing on the floor..


that amount of unwashed dishes and trash is just embarrassing. they didn’t seem to bother knowing they were also bout to have a house tour. 💀


“let’s make sure these kids get to work and make some tik toks” IM SORRY WHAT


I can't imagine how dirty that house is when interviewers aren't there...


They literally don’t even use anything in that house 😂😂


god i could not live in this house. i would get annoyed by everyone making tik toks 24/7


These kids. I want to say something snarky but I can’t because they achieved the American dream, making a living doing what you love.


I am their age and not gonna lie I find the whole living by themselves in a big house strange.


They do realise in like 10 years this house and tik tok will mean nothing


Who’s here after Daisy’s video abt the Hype House...


idk how their parents allow them to do what they’re doing. my strict parents could never


“something no one else is doing” your manager is literally from team 10


I'm going to sound really toxic but I can't believe how they got all of this because of an app