
MLA does not want a comma between your author's name and page number in parenthetical citations.


I need someone to write my MLA style essay. Please recommend.


An Open Letter to The Comment Section:
This video was published in March of 2016. the MLA 8th edition rules were updated one month later, in April of 2016. This included the change of the usage of commas in citations. This video is not wrong, it is old. It is your fault for thinking otherwise. It is up to you as a writer to find the most up-to-date information. It is definitely not your responsibility, however, to go around calling people "wrong" or "stupid".  Have a nice day.


The comma in the in-text citations shown is incorrect. Please fix this!


Okay the depressed tree joke was very clever but almost offensive


How do you cite and Input into 'works cited' http urls that you reference???


Please fix the comma mistake. APA style uses the comma between the author and page #. This video is spectacular, so please, oh, please take the time to fix this crucial error when teaching MLA. Thanks for super funny videos! They are always my favorite!


This has not aged well in 2019


Is it possible to update this video to using MLA 8 (opposed to MLA 7)?


APA has the comma before the year, MLA doesn't have the comma before the page number. I would show this to my students, but I don't want to further confuse them. -_-


these people saved my life there the best


this is before the MLA update


I can't use this with my elementary students as you say, "sounds a little dirty". So thanks.


The chongus


you're giving the wrong information sir




Ok, I shouldn't have to dig through bs to find important information.


Use rkciter.com , it will cite it for you and you will learn how to cite in mla


Hey! Just sent you a message here on YouTube! Hoping to hear back from you. :)